speed force

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Iris and Mon ran in, out of breath, as everyone stared at them. "We got a new problem. Our accelerator experiment seems to have reanimated one of the dead metas in our morgue," Mon said.

"Reanimated, like brought back to life? " Cisco asked.

"Life-ish. You ever seen The Walking Dead? You've seen The Walking Dead. It's The Walking Dead, but without higher brain function and with major rage issues," Mon said.

"Still unsure if our brains are on the menu, though," Iris said.

"Which one?" Joe asked.

"Tony Woodward," Iris said. "The bully from school who turned into the metal man?" Cisco asked and both Mon and Iris nodded quickly.

"That's not good," Joe said.

"History repeats itself. First as tragedy and then as farce," Wells said, who was staring down at Jesse.

"Wells, as a parent, believe me, I have nothing but sympathy for what you're going through. Listen to me closely when I say to you, we got a lot of fires burning at the same time, and if we all work together, we just might be able to put them out. Let Henry and Caitlin take care of your daughter. Me, Mon, Kara and Iris will handle this Girder situation, but you and Cisco are the scientists. You're the only one who can bring Barry back from wherever the hell he is right now," Joe said and Harry looked up at him.

"El...give those medical records to Henry, and Ramon, meet me in the Breach Room in five minutes. We've got work to do," Harry said before he got up and walked to the Breach Room.

Then Joe looked at Iris and Mon. "Now we just need to find Tony," Joe said.

"Yeah, hopefully before he kills someone," Iris said before she got her phone out. "I'll call Kara."

Breach Room

Cisco sat in the middle of the accelerator, holding a electrical headset. "So how do we know this is safe?" Cisco asked.

"Well, define safe," Harry said as he was getting stuff together.

"Safe, as in my brain's not gonna melt," Cisco said.

"No. It's a simple feedback loop, Ramon, all right? When you vibe on Barry, your brain waves send me the necessary data to pinpoint whatever dimensional pocket or corner of the universe that Barry is stuck in. And then we electrically stimulate your prefrontal cortex while opening a breach, which gives you physical access to Barry and lets you be the beacon to guide him home. Simple feedback loop," Harry explained.

"I'm sorry. Did you say electrically stimulate?" Cisco asked.

"Ramon, do you want to bring Barry back or not?" Harry asked and Cisco sighed.

"Okay," he said before he put the headset on, and then he picked up, a Barry's suit, which gave him a vibe.

"And we have a lock," Harry said as he looked at the data.

Speed Force

Barry continued to stare at Kara in confusion as they sat on the bench. "I don't understand. If I'm The Flash, then why are you doing this to me? Why do I have to catch this...this thing before you let me go back? Please, look, I will do whatever you want. Just let me go back right now, so I can help my friends," Barry said.

Vortex Storm
Speed Force

Cisco was suddenly in a type of storm and saw Barry in the middle of it. "Barry!" He yelled but Barry didn't move. "Barry, turn around! Barry!"

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