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"No sign of tachyon activity," Cisco said.

"We're running out of time. We've got to find them," Barry said.

"We will, Barry," Kara assured.

"It'll take a few minutes for the device to reach full power once it's activated, but when we find it, you're gonna have to get there fast," Cisco said, but then Joe & Mon walked in, and walked up to Barry & Kara.

"Hey. We have a problem. Like, identity reveal bad," Mon whispered to them.

"What?" Kara asked, but then he and Joe pulled Kara & Barry out from the cortex.

"Patty knows you're The Flash & Supergirl," Joe dropped the bomb, and the two looked at the two in utter anger.

"What?!" Kara exclaimed quietly.

"She caught us off guard!" Mon exclaimed.

"I mean, we played it off, but come on, she's a smart girl. Anyway, she was going through some case files and you were acting all squirrely," Joe said.

"This is my fault now?" Barry asked.

"No, it's nobody's fault," Joe said.

"Maybe you should tell her," Mon said.

"No!" both Barry & Kara snapped.

"Patty's trustworthy," Joe said.

"It's not even about that, Joe. I-I don't want another person that Zoom or Reverse-Flash or any of these meta-humans or any other alien notjub can use against me or Kara," Barry said. "I don't want it. Patty can't get hurt over this."

Then the whole place boomed in an alarm. "Tachyons!" The group ran back into the cortex to find Cisco at a computer. "87th and Avenue J. Must be one of Mercury Labs' off-site facilities," Cisco said, then Barry zoomed off.

"Hack into their se-" Harry started to say.

"I've hacked in the security feed," Cisco said.

"And once that-" Harry started to say.

"I'm one step ahead of you," Cisco said, then they all saw Thawne in the Reverse-Flash suit walk up to Christina in the footage.

"Barry, hurry up!" Kara said to Barry through the mic.

87th and Avenue J.

Thawne walked over to Christina, in his reverse-flash suit. "It's charged. You can go now. You said you'd release me," Christina said.

"Yes, I did. Didn't I?" Thawne said before he started vibrate his hand above her head. But then Thawne Flash zoomed in and pushed Thawne out of the way.

"You okay?" Barry asked Christina and she nodded. "Okay, get out of here, all right? Go! Go!"

Then she ran off, as Barry zoomed over to the tachyons and destroyed the machine. "That was my way home!" Thawne yelled, and Barry faced him.

"You're not going anywhere," Barry said.

"You haven't won here, Flash. I'll find another way back," Thawne said.

"You're gonna have to get through me first," Barry said.

"You really think you're fast enough to stop me?" Thawne asked.

"Let's find out. Catch me if you can," Barry said before he zoomed off.


I Need You » SuperFlash {3} | √Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora