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Med Bay

After Barry had successfully thrown Thawne back into the future, Cisco come back to normal, and was unconscious, but alike. "He did it," Caitlin said and they all sighed in relief. "He's gonna be okay."


Barry zoomed into the pipeline where Kara was, where she still waited for him. They locked eyes, and then Barry walked up to her and hugged her tight. She hugged back as Barry silently cried in her shoulder.

West Household

That night, Iris was typing on her computer, doing work, when someone knocked at the door. Iris got up and opened the door, to reveal Wally on the other side. "Wally, hi," Iris said and Wally stared at her awkwardly.

"Hey," Wally said.

"Um, do you want to come in?" Iris asked.

"No, I-I can't stay. I just...I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna take your advice and go see my mom," Wally said and Iris smiled. "Iris, I was...I was wondering if you would come with me."

"Yeah, yeah, I would...I would love that," Iris said before she grabbed her jacket and purse, then she walked out with Wally.

Med Bay

When Cisco woke up, Harry, Barry & Kara were by his side. "Um...My head feels like it's in a vise. What happened?" Cisco asked.

"I think you vibed one too many dimensions," Harry said.

"Maybe I should stop doing that," Cisco said and they laughed.

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine " Harry said.

"How did you, um...get the vibing to stop?" Cisco asked.

"We sent Thawne back to his time," Kara said and Cisco looked at Barry.

"You let him go?" He asked.

"I couldn't let him take another person I cared about," Barry said.

"Thank you," Cisco said.

"Of course," Barry said.

"Okay, I think I need a Big Belly burger. Anyone?" Harry asked before he looked at the two heroes.

"I'm good, thank you," Barry said.

"I'm alright," Kara said.

"Yeah, no pickles. Two triple triples, please," Cisco said.

"You got money?" Harry asked and Cisco gave him a look before Harry smiled, then he left to go get Big Belly Burger.

"Rest up, all right? We'll be out here," Barry said before he and Kara left.


Once the two left the med bay, they turned towards each other. "So, Patty...she's on a train to Midway City right now, huh?" Kara asked.

"I had to let her go too," Barry said.

"Mm-hmm, I was thinking about what you said, that part of being The Flash is that you have the ability to do amazing things that nobody else can do. And we see now that a hundred years from now, you'll still be doing them," Kara said and Barry smiled.

"So will you," Barry said.

"But the other part is, you're gonna be loaded with sacrifices, and you're gonna have hard choices to make, and there's gonna be a lot of things where eventually you'll have to let them go. You got to be ready for that," Kara said.

"I am. I'm ready," Barry said and Kara smiled. But then both their phones vibrated from texts. Both from Patty. "Weird. I got a text from Patty," Barry said and Kara looked up at him. "Me too," she said.

: Barry, I'm on the train. There's a man with a gun.
: Kara, I'm on the train. There's a man with a gun.

The two looked at each other before they ran off.


The Flash zoomed in, holding Supergirl so that they could phase in. "Is everyone okay?" Barry asked, then Patty stood up and faced the heroes.

"Everyone's fine. It was a false alarm, but...thanks for coming so fast, Flash," Patty said before she looked at Kara. "Supergirl." The two heroes smiled, knowing that Patty tricked them, but they were still glad she was okay. "Just want to make sure everything's okay before I go."

"Don't worry. Everything's good," Barry said.

"We swear," Kara said and Patty nodded before Barry grabbed Kara and ran off. Patty sat back down and looked out the window, watching them go.

"Good-bye, Barry."

AN: My brother reads my books and is very dramatic

AN: My brother reads my books and is very dramatic

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