scariest thing

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Joe and Mon walked in, in a panic. "Kara's with Zoom," Joe said and Barry looked at him, completely shattered and broken at what Zoom was doing.

"Why would he bring her here?" Barry asked.

"To show power. That's exactly what he did on my Earth," Harry said.

"What are you talking about?" Mon asked.

"The first thing he did was murder people. Slaughtered a bunch of policemen. Then recruited every meta-human he could find. And those that disobeyed, he killed too," Harry explained.

"Where are the police now?" Barry asked.

"Outside the precinct," Joe said.

"He'll kill them, Joe. He'll kill them all," Harry said.

"Not with Kara with him. She talked him out of killing everyone when he took over CCPD," Mon said.

"That's what we're gonna rely on? Danvers talking him out of it?" Harry asked.

"I know. We know. She can barely keep it together. Just by the look on her face. She's still powerless. We gotta save her," Mon said and Harry sighed frustrated.

"Joe, El, you need to get those guys out of there," Harry said.

"What if they set up at Jitters?" Joe asked.

"That's a good's just a block away from the precinct," Barry said.

"And then what? What happens next? You saw what Zoom did on my Earth. He will do the exact same thing here. Barry, we need to get you your powers back," Harry said.

"There must be another way," Henry said.

"There's not. There's not," Harry said but Iris glared at him.

"Kara would have made another way. That's what she's always saying. There's always another way," Iris said.

"Well, Kara isn't here, is she, West. And if we want to get her back, we are going to need Barry's powers back," Harry snapped.

"I'm gonna get word to Singh. Get him to set up a task force at Jitters," Joe said.

"And then what?" Mon asked.

"I don't know yet, but I'm gonna make sure Wally and Jesse are safe," Joe said as he walked out. Mon, frustrated, knowing that he could easily save Kara, walked out of the room, and into the hallway.


As Mon started to walk sternly down the hall, he heard footsteps behind him. So he turned to see Iris, striding towards him with purpose. "Mon," she said sternly before she stopped in her tracks, standing before him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to CCPD," Mon said but Iris eyed him like he was crazy.

"What?! You can't! Zoom will kill you in split second. Without thinking! He hates Barry, he wants to destroy Barry, and killing his best friend will do it perfectly!" Iris snapped but Mon quickly shushed her.

"What? So you just want me to sit here and do nothing?" Mon asked.

"Yes!" Iris exclaimed.

"Iris, I can't do that. I'm the only one here with powers. That means I'm Kara's only chance. Don't you want to see your best friend again? Don't you want Barry and Kara both to be happy again?" Mon asked.

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