2: "Finding Out Lancer's Origin"

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A/n Starting to this chapter, I'll write it as Third Person Pov. And also, pardon for my grammatically errors.


EH? EHHH?!! Seriously, he just revealed his true name in our first meet! A loud thoughts echoed as abruptness covered her mind. According to the book she always reading, servants don't reveal their true names until they gain trust to their master. But Azure cannot still believe that her servant just exposed his true name in their first meet. Surely, she will be surprised at it. Lancer closed his light-blue eyes.

"Do not concern about that." He said to his master.

You will not see any flaws of emotion in his face, just a blank expression. Azure looked at lancer with puzzled look in her face.. Oh no, she forgot. Servants can read their master's thoughts too. It's too embarassing if the servant read her personal thoughts, so she need to be more careful now. Well, it's lancer's decision to reveal his true name, she must respect it. The brunette one sighed.

"All right, I will call you lancer in public then." She gave lancer a brief smile.

She believed, as a master, calling him as lancer is more safe especially in public places. Azure remembered, she need to introduce herself to her servant too. The brown haired girl put her hand in her chest, ready to introduce herself.

"By the way, I'm Azure Soliel- but known as Azure Schulz. It's too risky to reveal my true surname in public since my father are also a participant in previous holy grail war. Nice to meet you too, lancer."

A melancholic reaction showed on her face, remembering her mother and father's death when she was still a kid, kinda still hurts inside her heart. The lancer did read her thoughts but chose to stay silent while still looking at his master. Quietness covered the whole room for a few seconds. Until the lancer broke the silence between them. He lifted his spear horizontally as if he's offering it to his master.

"So you are my master now... I promise you. As long as I draw breath. I will protect you." The lancer said with a sincerity in his voice.

A small amount of redness appeared on his master's face. Azure didn't expect lancer to say something like that since he doesn't seemed to show any emotions in his facial expression. A genuine smile appeared on Azure's face.

"Thank you, karna."

She just realized, lancer's gaze to her earlier did frightened her, but he's not a bad person..

The lancer put down his hand along with his spear and closed his eyes. "But that is my commitment, not yours. Do not concern yourself with it. Live as you like, and be free."

Oh, he's not a bad person.. he's just quite a cold person.

"Okay, I will." Azure responded to her servant.

After a while, Azure felt some dizziness caused by a sudden pain in her head. Her right hand went to her head to caressed it and take away the pain. She doesn't know what is happening to her until she realized the wound in her left hand. She looked at her left hand, it was the cut she made earlier for the summoning ritual. The cut was huge, it's still fresh and some blood are still flowing. Making her body to start to shivered.

The lancer alarmed in her situation. He don't know what is happening to his master.

"Master?" He asked with a puzzled look in his face.

Until his light-blue eyes landed on Azure's left hand where she was looking at. There's a huge wound there and it's still bleeding. The lancer thought that the wound is for the summoning ritual a little while ago.

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