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A/N you're about to love me. ❤️ I got a really good idea for the story so I wrote 3 filler chapters. (For now. Believe me there's a couple more coming soon.) I hope you enjoy them. Love you. ❤️ -SLJW 🙈💕

*~* JOHNSON *~*

A week passes and I still feel the same way. I still feel useless and unwanted in this world. Believe me, it really fucking sucks.

@JackJackJohnson go die you stupid bitch

Justice @JusticElainexo
@JackJackJohnson you're such a little bitch, please kill yourself. Please. No one wants you hear.

As mean as this bitch is, I can't help but laugh at her grammar error. I feel bad for her, she's not very EDUCATED.
Okay, so sometimes the hate tweets I receive are horrible and make me wanna take them up on their offer, but then other times I laugh at how stupid some people are out there. I just end up looking at their account, laughing at them and feeling bad for them. Honestly.
Others make me feel horrible inside and it honestly just freaking sucks. A lot.

Frut ninja @frutninjaaddict
@JackJackJohnson you so ugly. You should kill your self and make everyone happy. No one likes you, not even Jak

Example of someone I make fun of. The people who can't even seem to spell shit right. Like oh my God JACK is spelled like J-a-c-k not J-a-k. That's like calling him a 'yak' with a J. Like what the actual fuck?

Fxck @seXdrugsXbank
@JackJackJohnson you're so gay. I can see it in the way you look at G. You totally want him. Just admit it already you pussy.

Anaconda @Anaxoxo
@JackJackJohnson why can't you seem to grasp the idea that no one, NO ONE, likes you?

Anaconda @Anaxoxo
Why not just do us all a favor and kill yourself already. Aye Jack? @JackJackJohnson

Banat @BananaCat69
@JackJackJohnson whiny bitch, whiny bitch, you suck dick. Please just go and kill yourself.

(A/N that's to the tune of something I can't figure out what atm but it's too the tune of something lol.... -SLJW 🙈💕)

Nevaeh @nevaeheaven
@JackJackJohnson I hate you. Hell everyone hates you. Please die. Make us all happy. Just die. Thanks. Bye! ☺️

I'm seriously tired of this. Gilinsky never gets ANY hate. I'm stuck getting all the fucking hate, not him. And why? Who the fuck knows!? Like honestly, why do people target me? I'm a nice person. I'm not a fag, I'm not a little whiny bitch, I have friends. I have friends that care about me. I have haters who hate me and constantly remind me how much they hate me....
Maybe the haters are right......

TO: Mallory ❤️

FROM: Mallory ❤️
Hey babe. What's up?

TO: Mallory ❤️
Not much just thinking. You?

FROM: Mallory ❤️
Thinking, about what?

Giving into the haters.....

TO: Mallory ❤️
You. 🙈

And her. I always think about my gorgeous girl_friend. I mean, we aren't dating.... But we flirt a lot. She's beautiful. She's amazing. She's daring. She's perfect. ❤️

FROM: Mallory ❤️

TO: Mallory ❤️
☺️ so how have you been?

FROM: Mallory ❤️
Good hby babe?

Horrible..... The hate is getting out of control.

TO: Mallory ❤️

Lie. I'm not good. I haven't been "good" since before Magcon started, before my Vine became Jack&Jack, before I got the hate.

A/N sooo if this chapter sucked to you I won't be offended. I think it sucked haha. I promise it'll get better soon. Some things will happen that are important plot points/ building blocks of this story. Like the parts are important to the rest of the story. You'll see soon I promise. Well go read the next chapter now. ❤️

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

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