Chapter 2

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A/N hey guys sorry for not updating sooner I've been an emotional wreck the last few days. :/ but good news! I'm updating Tides, Doing it Right, Like Whoo and then Mini Mal. :) anyways. Enjoy the update.

*~* GILINSKY *~*

I'm worried about JJ. Recently he's been kind of out of it and hasn't been his usual crazy, wild, goofy self. It's worrying me, but have I said anything? No. I just thought maybe it had something to do with the fact we just got done with our tour and are starting out our freshman year of college and stuff.

He claims he's okay but.... I feel like he's not. I mean when he casually gets on his phone, I notice the way he looks. He looks sad and broken and that makes me feel sad and broken. It makes me wonder what's wrong with my best friend.

"J, are you okay man?" I finally ask him.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Why?" JJ replies.

"You've just been acting a bit off the past few weeks. I thought maybe it was the whole college scene but I've noticed it's been getting worse... Jack, you'd tell me if something was up right?" I ask him nervously.

It scares me the way he's been acting.

"Yup, I would tell you if something were up. It's just the stress of college. Promise." He smiles. I lo- have missed his smile.

"Okay." I smile back.


I look through Twitter for a few minutes on my phone. There are A LOT of requests for new songs.

"Sooooo when do you wanna go start recording some more songs? The fans are demanding we write them more songs." I laugh.

"Uhhhh I guess we could go and hangout at the studio tomorrow? Since tomorrow is Saturday and stuff..." JJ suggests.

"Yeah that could work. What time should we go?"

"We could meet the producers and Sammy at the studio at 1?"

"Okay." I reply, flashing him my usual smile that the girls swoon over. What it comes naturally to me? Haha.

"Okay." JJ agrees and pulls out his phone.

I go back to my phone and text my girlfriend. Her name's Daniela. But I call her Dani.

TO: Dani Boo 😘

Hey boo how are you?

FROM: Dani Boo 😘

I miss you babe. :( a lot.

TO: Dani Boo 😘

I know babe. I know. I miss you a bunch too. Sucks dating a college guy, doesn't it? Haha.

FROM: Dani Boo 😘

Yeah. It does. A lot. Considering I'm only a junior. Lol. 😂

Yeah I'm a freshman in college at the University of Nebraska and I'm dating this girl named Daniela who's in Iowa and stuff. We met at one of the Magcon convention things and hit it off, exchanged numbers and have been dating happily since. The only bad thing about our relationship though is that I just turned 18 and she just turned 16.... But oh well I don't care too much about that age difference thing. It's not important. What's important is if you love someone, then you should be allowed to date them. Haha.

TO: Dani Boo 😘

Hey I still love ya boo. Remember that. ;) nothing will make me love you less. I promise. :*

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