Chapter 10

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A/N I'm sorry I keep promising you guys an update and not following through with it. But it's spring break so ya know what that means! (: UPDATESSSSS! Well enjoy this update! ❤️ also i love this video :) just saying the Jacks are so cute i'm in love lol -SLJW 🙈💕

•~• Johnson •~•

I cannot wait for Mallory to show up so I can see her and be with her again. I feel like I haven't seen her in so long, when in reality it's only been a couple weeks (I didn't go see her a week ago when I told Jack that that was where I was going. I just drove home to visit for a little bit then came home). When she comes here it's going to be great! Having her here will hopefully boost my mood and help get my mind off my thoughts about Jack. THE TIME CANNOT GO BY QUICK ENOUGH!
"Is somebody excited?" Jack asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up and he's smirking at me. I look around to try to figure out what he's smirking about, but then I notice that I'm getting a bitttttttttt excited to see Mallory later.... 😳
"Maybe." I blush. "Well, her flight should be here any time now. Should I go pick her up at the airport or let her take a taxi?"
"The flight lands at around 2, maybe just go pick her up and surprise her. I'll even go too." Jack suggests.
"Okay, thanks."
"No problem." He grins. "So whatcha guys gonna do while she's here?"
"I don't know." I laugh.
"Maybe some good old," he begins thrusting and moaning like a goofball.
I laugh at him. "Shut up before someone next door thinks we're fucking." That would be an interesting experience actually..... Wait, why am I thinking about fucking my best friend?
He stops and looks at me for a moment, then let's out a slight laugh. "You wish we were fucking." He looks at me with a straight face during this and then cracks up at the end.
I just look at him confused. "What the fuck?"
He laughs. "To be honest I don't even know."
"You're one of the most fucked up people I know." I laugh.
"Thank you." He grins.
"So, we should probably leave soon right?"
"Probably." He shrugs.
"Okay, let's go then." I crawl off my bed, pulling on my black and white Vans. I'm actually pretty excited and happy for once. I haven't gotten that much hate today, my girl is coming to town. It's gonna be great.

About a half hour later, we arrive at the airport and wait patiently for Mallory's plane to land. Finally, I see her. A big smile plasters itself across her beautiful face as soon as she sees me. She comes running towards me. I open my arms and she comes running into them. I pick her up and spin her around nuzzles my head in her neck. God, I missed her.
"Jack." She sighs into the hug. "I missed your amazing Jack Johnson smell."
"I missed you more." I say with a smile into her neck, and I hear her giggle.
"I love you, goofball."
"I love you too Mal."
We pull apart and she hugs Gilinsky for a few seconds before we head to baggage claim so she can grab her stuff. Then we're stopped by fans and get pictures and sign autographs. It's great.
After about 45 minutes of autograph signings, we finally leave the airport and head back to the dorms at the University of Neblastya and tell Mal to make herself at home in our dorm.
Her making herself at home starts with her joining me on my bed and us cuddling.
"Well, I'm gonna go hangout with Sammy, Taylor and Dillon and their girlfriends. I'll be back sometime later, I'll be sure to call before I come back, just incase." He laughs.
"Bye." Mallory and I laugh at him.
"Bye." He waves then leaves the room.
Mallory turns to me. "You seem pretty happy now that we're together."
"Yeah." That is true. I do feel a whole lot better now with her here. I'm still not feeling 100% happy, but I'm at least feeling a bit better.... So that's good.
"So, what should we do?"
"I don't know. Netflix?" I ask.
"Sure." She smiles at me.
"Okay, can you grab me my laptop off my desk over there?" I point to my grey MacBook Air that's sitting on the desk, closest to Mallory.
"Sure." She leans over and grabs it for me, handing it off to me.
"No problem bae."
"So whatcha wanna watch?"
She thinks for a moment. "The Hangover movies!" She giggles.
"The Hangover movies it is!" I smile down at her. I'm so glad she's here. She's my angel, my beautifully perfect angel. ❤️

A/N some fun stuff is coming in the next few chapters ;) who's excited. Bye sorry I haven't been doing the updates like I said I was going to.... I've been really lazy and on Twitter 24/7 😂🙈😭 it's bad lol. But hey, I posted a new Nathan Maloley (Skate) fanfic called 'Wassup' so be sure to check it out if you like Skathan 😍🙈 lol thanks talk to you guys soon. 😘

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

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