Chapter 11

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a/n i'm back guys! :)

*~* MALLORY *~*

                 An hour into our Hangover movie binge watching spree, I lean over and press my lips Jack's. It's just something I need to do. I miss the feel of his lips on mine, I miss him in general. I want him and need him so bad right now.
He seems surprised at first but then he begins to kiss me back. We kiss for a couple of minutes and then finally pull apart.
"Sorry... I just needed to feel your lips on mine again." I say.
"It's okay." He says quickly and goes back to watching The Hangover.
"Okay." I say slightly confused. Why is he being so weird? I thought he would want to kiss me?
When the first Hangover movie is over, I look at Jack. "Do we have to watch the next one? I just wanna cuddle and be close to you." I say innocently.
"Um okay. That's fine. Yeah we can just do whatever now."
"Okay." I smile.
He puts his laptop up and we lay there cuddling, my head on his chest, for a few minutes before I lean over and kiss him again. Once again, he seems surprised that I am kissing him. What is his issue? He finally warms up to my lips again and kisses me back.
We makeout for a couple of minutes before I roll over so I'm laying on top of him. I continue to kiss him, not even caring that I'm throwing myself at him. I want his body, no I NEED his body. I slide my tongue into his mouth and our tongues battle.
After a couple more minutes, I run my hands down his side and start to pull his shirt up, I pull it over his head and we kiss a little longer. My hands go to the button on his pants and as I'm going to unbutton them, he stops me and pushes me away.
I sit there looking at him confused. "Baby what's wrong? I thought you would wan to hookup? I came all this way...."
"I don't think that's a good idea...."
"Why not Jack? What's wrong?"
He refuses to meet my gaze.
"Jack what's wrong??"
"Then kiss me back!" I demand.
"Why not!?"
"You wouldn't understand."
"Says who, just tell me. Is there another girl you're not telling me about? Is that why you ignored me all of last week?"
"No there's not another girl."
"Then why won't you fucking kiss me back? Why can't we have sex? You know you want to."
"I do but I don't."
"Fine, whatever. Don't fucking tell me."
I look at him in disbelief. "You're kidding." I start laughing. "You're just saying that because you don't wanna sleep with you."
"No I'm not just saying that. I do think I love Jack." He looks down at the bed in shame.
"Fuck you." I say slapping him. "You bring me all this way because I think we are gonna have sex but then you tell me you're GAY!? What the fuck you bastard?"
"I'm sorry....."
"You know what fuck you. Why don't you just go die you fucking fag. Don't ever text me again."
And with that I grab all my stuff and leave his dorm, slamming the door behind me. And he doesn't come after me either.

a/n I bet you weren't expecting that to happen! Also, sorry the update is sooooo short, i wanted to give you guys a little something for New Years so enjoy! i love you all! make sure to comment and vote, and dont worry i'll be updating at least once more between now and Monday so keep your eyes peeled for that! ;) i love you guys, i hope you enjoyed this (short) update. HAPPY NEW YEAR! BE SAFE AND YEAH!


Shelby Lynn Holland Lee Pottorff <3

Tides *a Jolinsky fanfic* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن