Chapter 59

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It's been two days since we told everyone we're expecting a baby. First, we told the Shelby's at family dinner and the next day we told Abuelo over lunch.

Abuelo was surprised much the same as everyone else, but he was excited to be part of it all.

Today we're helping Abuelo move into his new house, we have furniture trucks arriving and all hands on deck in the form of the Viper boys coming to help put everything together and in place. Abuelo is really excited about the move, he's visited the house twice already and meet his new neighbors who he seems to get along well with.

"Your phone baby girl." Ace calls from downstairs.

Skipping down the steps I make my way into the kitchen and pick it up only to find it's a private number calling. "Hello Ella speaking."

"Ella it's Alyssa, I just wanted to let you know I got the bloods back and everything is perfect, you're carrying a perfectly healthy baby, and your healthy as well."

"Oh thank god, I'm so glad to hear that." I smile. "Thank you so, so much for looking at the results for me."

"Your welcome hon, I just wanted to let you know. Let me know when you'd like to know the sex and I can tell you, I have the perfect image."

"One second." I say before turning to Ace and pull the phone away from my lips. "Do you want to know the sex?"

"If your ready, I'm ready." He nods.

Pulling the phone back to my lips I speak once more. "I'll put you on speaker and you can tell us now." I tell her as I place the phone on speaker and sit it down. "Okay ready." I bite down on my bottom lip.

"It's a girl, a perfect, healthy, baby girl."

"A girl?" I gasp.

"A girl." She repeats. "I'll leave you to celebrate." She says before hanging up.

Looking toward Ace, I watch as he drops his head, I can tell his crying, and I feel my stomach drop. I know that having a son is important in the mafia world; I know the rules are you're meant to have a son first so he can take over, not that you get to pick your baby's gender, but I didn't realize how much he wanted a boy until now.

"Ace." I place my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I promise we'll keep having babies until I give you a son."

"Huh?" He asks looking up at me and he wipes his tears.

"I had no idea you'd be so disappointed."

"Disappointed? Baby I'm not disappointed, I'm happy and I fucking hate crying, I don't cry." He chuckles as he wraps his arms around me. "We're having a baby girl, and she's healthy, that's all I wanted."

"Y-your not disappointed?"

"God no." He shakes his head. "I'm a little scared maybe, we're about to bring a mini you into world, she'll be beautiful and smart and have boys falling at her feet and then I'm going to have to play the bad guy and tell her she can't date, and probably kill any boy who tries to date her." He shrugs.

"Ace, you will not kill boys who want to date her." I giggle.

"Oh, but I will." He raises a brow. "Don't think for a second I won't."

"And what if she doesn't need Daddy's protection because she's a boss babe who can handle her own?" I raise a brow back at him.

"Because if there is one thing I know for sure, Storm Katherine Shelby is always going to need her Daddy around and her Mommy too." He smiles as he places his hand on my stomach.

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