Chapter 10: Perfect, just perfect

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I didn't care for my classes all day. What I really worried about, was Harry. We were going on a trip to Hogsmead today. I got my mom to sign mine. So did Rona and Hermione. But not Harry. I remember him briefly talking about them. They seemed horrid.

I was now even more grateful for my wonderful adopted mother.

Harry would stay at the castle while we all go. I couldn't help but feel guilty that we were leaving him being while we all go and have fun at Hogsmead.

I remembered what he told me earlier this week

"It's alright Hazel, I will just stay here."
"Are you sure your gonna be okay? Cause I can stay if-"
"No, go. Go have some fun at Hogsmead."
"I don't know...."
"besides,I have a plan." He mumbled
"Huh? Oh nothing."

It didn't seem like 'nothing'
He has a 'plan'. And I wanted to know what it was.

Tiny time skip just bc

Me, Hermione, and Ron were outside the Shrieking Shack when, the one and only, Draco Malfoy come along and totally ruins the vibe. (I don't know this quote by heart, so imma just try and remember the best I can)

"Looking for a house huh, Weasley? What, your family see in, one room?"
"Shove off Malfoy" I say
"Ooooh, not very nice, I guess we will have to show Weasley how to show respect to his superiors" he says with much attitude

"Oh I do hope you don't mean yourself" Hermione says
"Honestly Malfoy, get your head out of your arse and keep walking, no one asked." I shot back
"Especially for your attitude." Hermione said
"Or opinion" I finished

I also made a mental note to give Hermione a high-five later.

He looked deeply offended
"How do dare talk to me like that- you filthy little mud bloods-"
Then right as he said that, a snowball out of nowhere came and hit Draco straight in the side of his head.
He turned to see ✨no one✨ there.
He confusedly looked around for who could have thrown it.

Along with us of course, Love that they hit Draco, but who? Who would have the audacity to hit ferret boy with a snowball- expect for me of course.

Then more snowballs, One of his stupid goons was pantses, and Malfoy himself "lost his skis" according to Ronald.

Soon after Ron's hat strings were moving,Hermiones curls were moving, and my beanies fluff ball was being bullied.

Hermione laughed

Harry came outside of his cloak

"Harry!" I said tackling him into a big hug.
"I should've known you would've done that!" I said pulling away for the hug, he was blushing really bad.
"Haha! But you didn't." He said
"Whatever!" I shot back
"If you two LoVeBiRdS could stop bickering, let's go shopping." Ron suggested. I think he just wanted to get out of there.

We went back into the general shopping area to see this pretty lady.
"That's Rosa" (idek her name-)
"Ron fancies her" Hermione said
"Do not!" Ron denied.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Ron." I say, it was clear to me. He was mad blushing.

For some reason, I have been having these black outs. I didn't want to tell anyone, but I have been having them. For what? I don't know. But lately, it's gotten worse. Next thing I know, me, Ron, Hermione, we're watching footprints from no one walk from outside the store we were sitting in front of.

Hermione said pointing to the footprints that were obviously Harry's. Who can just buy a invisibility cloak at your local Hogsmead?

We followed them and soon heard sniffing and crying.

"Harry...?" I called out and walks towards the rock I assumed he was sitting at.

Hermione pulled the cloak off his head and revealed a sad, crying Harry. It broke my heart to see him cry. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and held his head in my hands. Muttering questions.

"He was there friend...and he betrayed them...HE WAS THERE FRIEND" he yelled that last part

"Shhh. It's okay, what happened Hare?" I asked

He explained in a watered down version. What he told us....blew my mind. How could anyone just sell their friends out? That was terrible. I felt aweful for Hare Bear.

Hey guys/girls. I haven't been updating bc I haven't felt the motivation too, and I have kinda have writers block. And school has also been swallowing me whole. I'm tired now, I will update ASAP.

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