Chapter 3: The Sorting

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After we got off the train we walked inside the school/giant castle. It was beautiful-maybe the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. They gave us a tour. Then we went to the Great Hall for dinner. But before we ate my had to get sorted into our houses.

I hoped I got in the same house as Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Harry seemed to notice I was nervous.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked
"Oh, um..yeah of course just nervous" i said
"Mmmm me too. What house do you think your gonna get?" he asked
"I don't know. I'm loyal like a hufflepuff, brave like a gryffindor, and smart like a ravenclaw."
"Oh, What about slytherin?"
"oh, no,no,no,no. I hope not. I have no characteristics of them, nor do I like the people them, but I like gryffindor," I haven't talked to anyone from slytherin yet, but I could tell the were the trouble makers of the school- just by looking

"What about you? What house do you think you belong in?" I said
"I don't know- I'm not sure yet." Said harry
Soon enough my name was called
I walked up and sat down on the chair, my palms were already sweating.
The hat said "Hmmm- MMMMM wow! what a brilliant mind. Very nice- very smart- very bold- very brave. This is very hard. Either......hmmm. Not slytherin.," *i felt relieved* "Not...yes not Ravenclaw. Either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. *i looked at harry for confidence- he gave me a small smile*
Finally the aggravating talking hat said

"It better be....GRYFFINDOR!"

I smiled at got my things that were handed to me. I sat at the Gryffindor table. A couple of nice people smiled at me and congratulated me in making "The best house". I bet every house said that. As the ceremony went by, I was eager to see what my friends got. They got Gryffindor too! I was so relieved. Harry was the last one to get sorted. The hat took a bit of time on harry. As the hat said Gryffindor me and Harry beamed at each other. I don't know what it is, but I liked Harry, we got along really well and he seemed like a good person.

Then, finally we could eat dinner, I was starving.

The food looked delicious. Ron seemed to enjoy it.
"Does he chew his food?" I whispered to Hermione
She let out a small laugh. "Didn't you notice him on the train? He was practically inhaling chocolate frogs
Harry joined on on our little whisper convo
"I bet he will get a stomach ache from all the food" he said laughing under his breath
Soon we were all laughing
"What's so funny?" Ron asked

"Nothing!!" we all said in unison
Then we stared laughing harder than before
"Don't let the food choke you" Ron muttered

Soon dinner was over. The head of Gryffindor house was Professor McGonagall, I liked her, she seemed cool. (shes my queen so i had to make hazel like her 😂) She went over basic things, Blah, blah, blah. And told us the password "red dragons"

Then we went in the secret painting, It was pretty cool- really well hidden.
The Gryffindor Common room was full of red and gold. I mean that was our colors. The fire made a cool crackling sound that filled the room with coziness and warmth.

But it was getting late so McGonagall told us to unpack and get to bed quickly. Me and Hermione shared a dorm which I found great. I didn't want to share a room with a random person. We said goodnight to the guys. Harry gave me a hug and a kiss on my head. I blushed when we did. Harry was really tired so he had a little sleepy voice that was really cute. Me and Hermione finished unpacking and sat on our beds.
"Soooo whats going on between you and harry?!?!? I saw that head kiss!!" she said with a giddy smile on her face
"Nothing! What are you talking about?!" I said
I could feel me blushing
"Don't lie! Didn't you see! He was making goo-goo eyes at you. And he was reallyyy smiley towards you- And he hugged and kissed you goodnight!" She sid with a knowing look amd still with that frustrating giddy smile
"Wipe that smile off your face!! There's nothing going on!"
"Do you think he's Cuteeeeee?" she said giggling
I blushed "maybe just a bit...,"
She gasp. "You do! Oh my gosh! Do you want me to do your hair all nice for him tomorrow?"
"Well....that would nice" I said " But only because I want to! Not because of Harry!"
"Okayyy if you say sooo"
"Shut up!" I say playfully
"Ok it's late let's go to bed" she said
She turned out the lights
But I couldn't help but think about the next day. Did I like Harry? I couldn't stop thinking about him. Then I finally drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

I woke up to a smiling Hermione.
"WAKE UP! don't you want to like nice for the the first day? And harryyy?!?!
"Hermione school doesn't start for at least * i looked at the clock* 2 HOURS?!?!"
"Come on! Let me do you hair!"
"Fine" I rolled out of bed
She did my hair really nice ngl. My long brown waves were all naturaly curled. Somehow she called my mop of hair so it was silky smooth. And it looked great.
"Wow. Hermione....It looks amazing!" And under an hour!
"Yep," she said smugly. Looking very proud of herself
"Do you think the guys will like it?"
"You mean Harry? Of course! They will take one look and their jaws will touch the floor!"
I laughed
"Now let's get you dressed!"
I tried on at least a million outfits. Hermione liked none! Then she settled on a plain white shirt tucked into a plain leather red skirt.(that was appropriate for school ofc) under my robes.
Hermione looked great herself. (as always)
We saw that we had 30 minutes till school. We decided to go out to the common room. Harry and Ron were out there already talking when we came out. Ron was looking at Hermione when I noticed Harry was staring at me-mouth slightly open. Me and Hermione said "Um...Good Morning?" The boys were snapped back into reality.

Harrys POV
Me and Ron were talking about random things when Hazel and Hermione came down. Hermione looked nice and pretty, but Hazel...I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked so pretty and happy. Hazel and Hermione said "Um...Good Morning?" I shook out of my stupor. "Oh, Uh, Good Morning." I still didn't take my eyes off Hazel. She looked beautiful.
(did I mean mention that?) Ron seemed to come back to life after I said that. The girls made their way over to the couch. Hermione say next to Ron and Hazel sat next to me. "Hi....can I help you?" she said
"Oh, um, yeah. Sorry. You look...nice today" I said, I felt my face go warm,
She beamed at me "Thanks! Hermione helped me get ready. Amazing what she can do with a curling iron and hair brush.
Hermione laughed
"Can we go to breakfast now. I'm hungry" said Ron
"Sure!" Hazel said
We all got up. But before hazel could, I offered her my hand. She looked at it for a second with confusion. Then she realized. She took gratefully. As we walked to breakfast, Hermione and Ron were whispering behind us. Then they said " You guys go ahead we will be there in a second"
"Okay" me and Hazel say in unison. We laughed at that. Our hands were still holding one another. It felt nice, her hands were warm and soft. We talked about random things while we made our way to the Great Hall. When we got there we let go of each other's hands to get food. Then when we sat down, she took my hand again- interlacing them. I blushed as we ate our breakfast.

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