Chapter 3

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He looked at me concerned and worried. How the hell am I supposed to tell him the truth and what happened?

"Roni. Tell me?" He was pushing. He wanted to know and nothing was going to keep him from getting the information. I sighed and sat down against the wall trying to gather the starting point of where it happened.

"It all started when y'all went on tour.." I trailed off, reliving the memory.


"But what do you mean you aren't coming back?" I questioned Andy while we were video chatting. He as on tour and currently in California, but only for a couple of hours before he was off to his first date on Warped Tour. I was stuck in bum-ville Ohio, where I was when he left a couple of months before to attempt this dream. I would be moving to California soon, I believe in the next couple of months, just had to get the job lined up there and save enough to pay to have all my stuff shipped.

"They are wanting us to do this tour and then go straight to Europe for a tour there." Andy's voice was sincere, but I understood. Everything was playing out for him and us. I just had to give it time. "Roni, I am sorry. I know we were gonna spend time together after Warped."

I sighed and looked down at my hands away from the screen, "I understand. This was what I signed on for when you left, just wish that we would have some time together. I miss you a lot."

"I miss you too. Well gotta go baby. Have to get on this plan. Love you." He blew me kisses and waved goodbye before the screen when blank and the call ended.

"I love you too." I sighed knowing that he didn't hear it. This was just what I needed. Him to be gone longer than we originally thought. I threw myself back on the bed and starred at my ceiling waiting for a miracle to happen. I thought long and hard about what I was going to do for the next year and a half but there was absolutely nothing, except my phone buzzing.

I glanced at the screen,  not a number I recognize. I picked up the phone and slid my finger across to accept the call.


"Hello, this is Courtney from Human Resources Department here at Capture the Moment Photography, I am looking for Roni Chase?" My heart started pumping. I had only sent in my portfolio three weeks ago, I couldn't be getting an offer this soon could I?

"Hello Courtney, this is her." Why am I nervous? I am never nervous.

"Good morning Roni, I hope you day is going good. I was just giving you a call because we did receive your portfolio and we are wondering if you would be willing to accept a job here at CMP? We were all very touched with your pictures and how you were able to capture such moving images and we think you would do amazing here."

Shit. I am getting offered a job!

"We understand that this would be a very short notice but we were going to see if you would like to start out taking photographs for some magazines that will be mentioning Van's Warped Tour in their magazines. Your pay will start out at $25,000 a year but great incentives when your photos are bought by companies and placed in their magazine. You will have the ability to work your own schedule here at CMP and have multiple opportunities to have individual clients that you make sole profit on. We supply everything you need to take the photos, and develop them yourself right in your own private studio here at our headquarters. Will you be interested in taking this job proposition?"

I can see Andy. Take pictures of famous people on tour. Make my own money off of clients! YES!

"YES! I will be happy to accept this. But I do have the problem right now, that I am still in Ohio. I am in the process of moving to California as soon as I got the money saved up." I paused for a brief moment before continuing but I was interrupted by Courtney.

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