Chapter 9

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(Andy's POV)

What I couldn't just understand was why Roni was trying to help me. Couldn't she see that I was a lost cause? That every which way to help me, was tried and because she came back, they all failed? As I left her in the hallway, I needed to either drink or puke but wasn't sure which of the latter would work. I grabbed the bottle out of the case in the living room and stepped outside. Peaceful. The sunset in he sky was beautiful. Pinks and oranges danced across the clouds, making it seem as if it was painted on a canvas.

I need her. I thought to myself. She made me better regardless of how much it hurt. 5 years ago, knowing what I did to her broke my heart and I changed my ways. Or at least I tried. There was only one other thing that cause the issue and she was gone. Telling Juliet off, released me from the bonds she had of me and I had to make sure they stayed that way. The guys needed to know and I had to be the one to tell them.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and messaged Ashley. I told him I needed his help and the help of the guys to keep Juliet away. His response was simple but I knew he would always have my back when I needed it most. Sitting out side for fifteen minutes, i noticed I never lifted the bottle to my lips or got sick. Which I guess you could say was a good thing. The next thing I had to do, was tell Roni I was sorry, and truly mean it; but also tell her I was taking the plunge. Regardless if it was hard on me to do or if I don't like the ways she has to go about it, I was ready.

I needed her back in my life one way or the other.

Walking in the house, I notice it was silent except for the sound of running water. She must be rinsing off the alcohol. I quietly made my way down the hall to my room and towards the bathroom doorway. Her back was towards me and I noticed her tiny pale frame wasn't actually pale anymore. It was just splotches of faded blue, purple and black markings. Fuck. Because Roni was so pale and her frame was small, she instantly started bruising from what just previously happen 25 minutes ago. The next thing I could notice, I was walking to the stall and opening the door. What the fuck am I doing? She is going to flip out? Regardless of what I was telling myself to not do, I was doing the exact opposite. I shut the stall door and slowly reached my hand towards her shoulder. Her eyes were scared but the look she gave me was telling me yes. Tracing my finger tips across the beaded water on her shoulder and arm, I took in this sight of her. Something I never wanted to see, especially because it was caused by me. Roni was vulnerable and broken, all because of me.

Pushing a piece of hair behind her ear, I traced my fingers down her jaw line to her chin, slowly making her look up at me. Eyes red and puffy, indicated she was crying, I lifted my other hand and cradled her face wiping away the tears. This was my time to tell her. To apologize. To accept whatever it was she wanted me to do to change who I had become.

"Andy," her soft voice could barely say my name before she bursts into tears again. Comfort her.

"Shh Roni. It's okay. I need to be the one to do all the talking. And I need you to find it in you to take everything I say and know that I mean it." I sighed as I pushed back another piece of hair from her face. "I am sorry. For everything. From 5 years ago, to today. I'm truly very sorry. Roni, I need you to help me. I want to change and never become this monster that I see when I look at you. Please help me." I was pleading with her in hopes she took everything I said like I meant everything. I need help and I need her to help me change. I don't want to be this monster she sees.

Starring into those green eyes, I pleaded with her, now not saying a word. It was her choice. She would make the decision from here and which ever way that took us, we'd do it together. Waiting for an answer, I decided I need to go let her think on it. She didn't need pressure from me to get an answer right then. I opened the door and stepped out grabbing a towel.

"Wait." She stopped the door from closing and looked at me as she tried to find the words. Taking a deep breath, her eyes closed, and opened again. Roni stepped out of the shower, and grabbed the towel I was holding for her. We stood in the bathroom in silence, I was waiting for her to say something. Anything. She took a step towards me, and reached for my hand. Our fingers intwined together, I had one instinct, and pulled her closer to me. My arm wrapped around her waist pulling her up against me. I caressed her cheek in my hand and slowly moved closer to her, hoping she didn't freak out.

Instead, Roni slowly lifted up on her tip toes and closed the small space between our lips. Our kiss was filled with passion, but the stronger sense was the need we had for one another. We were meant for each other, regardless of being complete opposites. I moved my hand up her back pushing her against me, and moved my other hand from her face and intwined my fringed in her hair, deepening the kiss. Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her.

I don't think either of use expected this to happen, but neither of us were trying to stop it. I picked her up at her waist and her legs wrapped around mine. Not breaking the contact we had, I made it out of the bathroom towards the bed in my room. This probably shouldn't happen. I tried to push the thought away because we both needed this. The sense of closure I was looking for, laid beneath me. Not really in the sexual way, which is where we were heading, but it was her. All of her. Mind, body and soul. That was what I needed.

I broke away from the kiss and leaned up against my arm, trying hard not to make it look like I was trying to catch my breath. But I wasn't the only one. Her chest moved quickly up and down and a smile ran across her face.

"Andy, is this a place you want to try and journey down to tonight?" Having that smile, this wasn't what I expect her to say.

"Roni, I need you. This path should only be journeyed if it's one you want to go down. None of this is being left up to me. You are fully in control of it all. Not me." I pushed back a piece of hair and she propped up on her elbow looking at me.

"The biggest path that needs to be journeyed, is this. Andrew, I forgive you. I forgive everything you did 5 years ago and I forgive you now. But I need a promise, and I need the promise to be true from you." I nodded my head once, ready to make whatever it was she asked me, true.

"I need you to promise me, that from this day forward, there is no alcohol. No Juliet. No drugs of any kind. And to remember this when you have a break down; I love you. I always have and I always will." She smiled and leaned in to kiss me. The only way that promise was to be sealed was to kiss her back. And that's what I did. I kissed her like my life depended on it, and truthfully it really did.

We laid on the bed kissing, until the front door opened. Who the hell is this? I pointed to the closet and told Roni to get dressed in anything she could find. I threw on another pair of jeans and grabbed the folded black t-shirt on the dress and headed out to meet our guest. Who ever it was.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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