Chapter 1

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"Come on TiTi! The show is about to start. I don't wanna miss it!" Aleigha cried out, dragging me by my hand towards the venue for the show. 

Tonight is the 5th Annual Revolver's Golden Gods Awards. And for my nieces 15th birthday I promised her that I would take her and because she wouldn't leave me alone about it and seeing her favorite band, I promised that was her birthday present and part of her Christmas gift.

"Aleigha, calm down. The show doesn't start for another hour and you are about to pull my arm out of socket!" I said loud but only to be heard over the crowd and she stopped pulling on my arm. "Plus," I said enunciating the 'S' and pulling something out of my jacket pocket, "We have backstage passes!"

Aleigha's eyes grew wide and she started jumping up and down, "Oh my god TiTi! Thank you SOOO much!!!! This is the best birthday ever!" She squealed and gave me a huge bear hug and started geeking out on the passes and taking pictures to upload on her Instagram and Twitter. With in a matter of minutes, my phone was blowing up with people commenting on her post that she had tagged me in. 'Thanks Aleigha'

Looking down at my phone and not paying attention, I had bumped into someone who ended up spilling their drink all over me. Thankfully my phone was in a waterproof case but my clothes on the other hand were not. I groaned and rolled my eyes knowing I couldn't get mad at this said person because it was my fault, but still this was annoying.

"I am so sorry. Are you okay?" He said, voice deep and husky.

"It's alright. Just covered in beer." I responded and you could tell that I was annoyed.

"No, please. Let me get you something to change into. It's the least I could do for you. I am sure that in the back they have something suitable to let you change into. Come, please?" He asked very respectfully and very concerning for me to get new clothes.

"Okay but I have to take my niece with me if that is okay. We were headed backstage anyway. Just let me go find her."  I turned on my heel and head back in the direction my niece was. When I approached her, her face showed that she was mad, just as I was.

"TiTi! What happened? Did some jackass spill his drink on you?" Honestly I thought I would never hear that come out of her mouth but you could tell she was just as furious as I was.

"Watch your mouth Aleigha. But no, I had bumped into someone making them spill the drink on me but they are insisting taking me to the dressing rooms and finding me something to change into so I am not smelling of beer and being sticky. So come on lets go." I explained myself briefly to her but enough for her to understand and she followed right behind me til we met the stranger once again.

"I see your back with your niece. Great, lets go to the dressing rooms and see what we can find." His voice a bit more cheerful and less worried. He turned on his heel and headed towards the direction of flashing cameras and big buff guys blocking screaming fans and paparazzi.

The crowd was annoying with the loud chatter and dictatorship of the paparazzi and the screaming of the estrogen filled females, I was glad this was never what I wanted in my life because I think I would drive myself insane. Pushing our way through,following the stranger, Aleigha and I were stopped by the bouncer, but we quickly flashed him our passes and he let us through. Finally, done with the shoving and screaming and the clicking of cameras.

The backstage lounge was pretty quiet giving the massive uproar that was just on the other side of the wall, but quiet none the less and although it wasn't nothing extravagant, it was still pretty nice. A bunch of "famous", if you will, people were standing around enjoying a refreshing drink, a few were sitting on the couches and other were either entering a dressing room, leaving a dressing room or waiting for the stage manager to direct them to when they would be going on stage to present or receive an award. 'Gees this process looks like it would be hard to make an award show run smoothly.' I thought to myself as I just looked around between all of the people in the room.

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