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"Roni. Please don't do this. Baby please!" He begged me as he sat at my feet in the living room.

How can one be okay with this? He is choosing to leave me and the relationship we were in going on 6 years and he is choosing to go off and be with a group of guys who he called friends but they weren't friends at all.  I tried to gather my thoughts about how I was going to respond to this. I still can't begin to understand why he is throwing this all away.

"Roni." He paused. "Veronica, please say something to me." His voice was barely audible.

"Why?" I spoke, with my voice barely over a whisper, trying my hardest not to cry. I needed an explanation for him doing this, this close to our anniversary and why he was choosing his 'friends' over me.

"It's for my career. My music. The guys and I have been able to record an EP and need to take this chance for us to get the record and finish what we started a few years back." Andy trailed off waiting to see if I was going to say something, but at this moment there was nothing I could say.

"This is what we had planned when we first got together Roni."

Now he was trying to pin this on me? It wasn't what I wanted and I was going to set him straight.

"Don't you even say that this is what I wanted because it wasn't. I wanted you in my life and wanted a life with you. It didn't have to include the music but if it did I was understanding. I was understanding of all the late night practices in my basement. I was understanding of the debt that we went through because of having to buy new instruments and equipment. But it was never what I wanted." I paused trying to prevent the tears that pricked my eyes. This was going to be the breaking point.

"Andy, I told you from day one that I would be magnanimous of your dreams and never once stopped you from reaching them but this is just something I don't understand. Do you remember what you once said to me about your dreams? 'They weren't worth perusing unless you perused them and I was by your side.' Does that not apply to you anymore?" Pausing, I waited for him to respond back but he wasn't saying anything. I was going to wait for his response but I still had more to say.

"You are leaving me to go after your dream with the 4 people you address as your 'friends' but I am not sure why they are still your 'friends'. Do you not remember what they did to you? Or do you choose to look that over because you need them and they need you to make this dream a reality?

"Andy don't forget that night they left you to die in the street." He gasped at my attempt to bring that memory back to his mind. "Don't think I forgot because I didn't. I remember that night frequently, as I revisit it in my dreams. You were left to defend yourself in an alley with 7 guys beating you. I was on my way to my family reunion and I got a call from Caty who said you were being jumped.

"I turned around and came to you instead of going to my family because I cared for you and loved you. There were only three people trying to defend you and those three were girls. It was me, Caty and Tori. Three girls trying to fight off 7 guys who didn't care who they were fighting. Thankfully the three of us knew how to fight or we would all have been dead."

He flinched at my last words because he knows it is the truth. Caty, Tori and I fought them off enough to get them to finally leave. We knocked out three and I think that was the moment they realized they needed to leave. All of us were battered and we had to make the journey home. Caty was black and blue, with a fractured nose and had fractured her right wrist and a few broken fingers. Tori, had a broken cheek bone and a black eye, and had a broken wrist as well as covered in bruises. Andy was the worst having a few broken ribs on both sides, broken wrist and fractured jaw. I had broken knuckles, broken nose and cheek bone and four broken ribs. My wrist was also fractured. We all were black and blue from the bruises and bloody from the cuts we had gotten and from the cuts that we had caused.

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