The X New X Guy

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Listen to the music for a better experience~
>or not I don't control you...<

"Y/N, can you at least tell me what made you like this?" Ayaka says watching me sulk over a tub of ice cream.

"Iz doshn't mayer." I say with the spoon in my mouth.

I lean back in the chair and slide down.

"You and Hisoka broke up, didn't you?"

"Huh? We were never together!"

"You liked each other."

"That doesn't mean we were together..." I say curling up into a ball.

"But you guys aren't going to hang out anymore, right?"

I don't respond.

"Come here, Y/N." Ayaka says laying on top of me, giving a hug.

I don't say anything, but I appreciate the comfort, a lot. I couldn't have asked for a better friend. Hisoka is so stupid and selfish, but I know he means well. Why'd things have to end up this way?

Suddenly, our phones buzz and we check them.

"Isn't Shiro in Yorknew today?" Ayaka asks.

"Yes!" I shout, rushing to call him.

"Shiro, are you alright," We both ask him, "You told us you were going to Yorknew City and breaking news just said there was an explosion."

"I'm okay. I'm with Kai...inahotelroom bye!" He says hanging up the phone quickly.

"What?! Wait, Shiro!"

We try to call back.

"He's not answering." Ayaka says, defeated.

"Ayaka, you can go home now."

"And leave you alone? No way."

"Please? I just want... a little space."

She releases her hug and sits on the floor in front of me.

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

"Alright then," She says getting up with her bag. "Bye, Y/N. Don't do anything dumb."

When she closes the door, I reminisce on the time Hisoka said the same phrase to me. I scroll through my camera roll of pictures of me and Hisoka.

Why does he want to tear us apart?


I hadn't noticed how much time had gone by while reading sad, emotional manga. Rin and Keiko had once again left home, and I have no idea where they've gone. They would be back in a few minutes. I pull my hood over my head and slide my shoes on at the door.

It became a habit of mine to sit down and stare over at the lake. The moon would glisten over the calm rippling water. Even while deep in thought, I notice an aura approaching. It was calm, with no ill intent.

I looked up from the bottom of the hill and see a bicycle light, with a tall figure next to it.

The person starts to walk towards me.

"Are you alright there," the voices asks me. "I see you here every night when I pass by."

The boy sits next to me.

"Not to be rude, but who are you?" I ask.

"Oh," He says scratching his head. "I'm Takuya Yamazaki. I'm in the same grade as you. I'm sad you haven't recognized me."

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