Has X He X Forgotten?

817 34 15

Listen to the music for a better experience~
>or not I don't control you...<

Hisoka's POV:

Winter break ended and I was to return to school the next year. Oddly, I don't even remember attending a high school. I got ready and Father dropped me off at the entrance.

Now that I think about it, this is familiar.

He drives off and I turn my head to the right. There was a girl under a huge tree tying her shoe. When she looked back at me, her eyes lit up.

"Hisoka?!" She shouts.

She starts to run over to me. She opens her arms ready to embrace me in a hug. I step back and she pauses.

"Oh, um, sorry. It's too early for that right? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I was just asking because you have a huge bruise on your cheek. What happened?"

"I fell. May I ask, who are you?"

She laughs.

"It's Y/N, silly! I know I cut my hair and wear makeup now, but I don't look that different."


"Oh? What does that mean?! You don't like it?"

I step back again.

"Actually, Imma go..."

I turn away from the verbally active girl and go inside. I don't remember being friends with her. We only worked together. I look at the book in my hands.

I have to give this back to Sh-Sh... who again?

Y/N's POV:

Hisoka is acting very strange. I wonder if he's alright? I mean, we didn't see him all break and after. Plus he was scared to go home, but he seems fine.

When Ayaka arrives, I link arms with her and tell her about Hisoka. Her eyes widen.

"He's here?!" She questions.

I nod my head.

"Really? Omg! We need to find Shiro."

I trot behind her to the library.

"Shirooooo." She whispers by his ear.

He jumps.

"Ayaka, you scared me. What happened?"

"Hisoka's here that's what happened." She mutters.

"He's what?!" He exclaims whispering.

"That's what I said!"

As we were talking, Hisoka appears and walks up to Shiro. We freeze.

I hope he didn't hear us. ^-^

"Hey, I think this is yours um...Sh-Shi... Sorry, I forgot your name."

Ayaka's eye twitches.

"You what?" She asks in disbelief.

"Oh, you're that loud girl from last year."

"Excuse me?" She blows rolling up her sleeves.

I hold her back.

"Okayyy, I believe there is a good explanation for this. Hisoka?"

He stares at us blankly.

"I don't remember hanging out with you guys."

He doesn't what now? ^-^

"W-what did you say?" I ask.

"Look, I don't remember being close to any of you. I'm going to go now."

We watch him walk towards the door.

"Hisoka," I say grabbing his arm. "Here."

I hold out the other earring he gave to me.

"You said to give it back to you when I see you again."

He feels his ear and takes the earring from me.

"Thanks. I don't remember saying that though."

I bite my lip as I watch him walk out the door.

What is going on?


In the first period, I couldn't help but stare at Hisoka. Had he really forgotten all about us? What did they do to him? He leans back in his chair. I watch him, knocking my pencil against my cheek. He meets my gaze and I blush. There was no reaction from him. He just looked away.

I look forward, covering my face from his view.

This has to be a joke and a really bad one.

Period after period, I always sat next to him since no one else would. Every time I looked at him, I sensed his aura sharpen. Did he see me as an enemy?

"Um, Hisoka," I whisper. "Can I borrow a pencil? I kinda snapped mine with my aura."

"With your aura?" He asks.

He smirks.

"I'd like to test that aura out."


"I want to fight you. You have two weeks to prepare."

My eye twitches.

He wants to what?! He's been saying the weirdest things! I know that we're all more powerful now, but I could never fight him.

He hands me a pencil and goes back to his idle position smirking devilishly.

What has he become?


Yes, this is short... I don't have any new songs for inspiration and I had to get this out by Monday as promised. The next chapter will be longer ❤️.

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