I X Don't X Like X Guys... X Do X I?

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Listen to the music for a better experience~
>or not I don't control you...<

Shiro's Diaries #4 (Shiro's POV)

While I was walking, Kai had his arm around me the whole time. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, actually it was all I've ever wanted, but I was in an irritated mood and, at the moment, did not want to be touched.

I lightly peeled his arm off of me and he apologized repeatedly for making me feel uncomfortable. I tell him it's fine and that I just didn't feel like being touched at the moment.

Something about him was different lately in the way he's been acting towards me. It made me happy but also I was skeptical. He texted me every morning and every night. He'd try to make plans with me, but I'm always genuinely busy. Even when I didn't ask him to train me, he'd ask to, teaching me everything he knew.

I haven't been able to ask Y/N about anything because she's been bummed out. Ayaka doesn't know what happened the other day, but it's still troubling me.

"Shiro, you've been like this for a week now," Kai starts. "Is what happened that day still bothering you, or am I making you uncomfortable?"

I smile at him.

"No, it's not you at all! I'm just not doing to well lately."

"Are you sick," He asks concerned. "I could take care of you... or something."

My heart flutters.

"No, that's not necessary," I say looking down.

Suddenly, he stops in front of me.

"Listen, and don't turn me down this time, please come hangout with me tomorrow, Saturday. I want to take you to Yorknew City."

It hurts how he thinks I'm purposely turning him down. Fortunately, I was free this weekend. There wasn't really much to do. Ayaka was with Y/N, we probably weren't going to have any meet ups anytime soon, Hisoka abandoned us, and Hoshi and Daku started dating, making them spend more time together.

"I actually am free this Saturday. I can go with you." I say tilting my head, smiling.

His eyes fill with excitement and instinctually, he put his arm around me.

"That's great!" He laughed.

I laughed back with my face squished under his arm.


I was packing my bag that afternoon, when Kai leaned against my locker.

He smiled widely at me and I couldn't help but chuckle. His smile grew when he realized he made me laugh.

"What is it, Kai?" I ask wiping my tears from laughing so hard.

"You looked down. Just wanted to cheer you up." He says, his arm on the locker.

I still don't understand how he managed to look so cool. He had been training me, but I could never manage to get my body like his. Not that I want that, though. How weird would it look like to have two bulky guys hanging out together.

I chuckle again.

"Huh? I didn't do anything."

I pick up my bag and turn my back to him.

"I know you didn't. You're just cute, that's all."

I blush when I realize what I just said.

He put his arm around me (for like the millionth time in a week).

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