Chapter #1

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A Dyslexic, ADHD, chocoholic, that is son of Poseidon. That about sums up my existence... when you sugar coat it.  

If you want to go into detail then, the summary of my existence would be something like... A Dyslexic, ADHD, spawn of Poseidon, that had an abusive stepfather, demigod blood and smell, gets attacked by monsters constantly, baerly surviving between home and quests, have a rapist for a girlfriend, I've tracked through Tartarus, I've faced Gea and won, And i have enough PTSD to last four lifetimes and im only 16. Yeah my life is pretty fucked up. Welcome to the story of my life. Messed up, twisted, and unbelievable. 

Hi, I'm Percy Jackson. And you are reading the story of my life, since you found this book I'm going to assume that you have read the pjo and the hoo series(If you haven't you may be a little lost but, you can continue to read anyway if you want.) so we are going to start at the summer after the Giant War...I guess I should give a crash course of what happened in the past five years;

Me and my mother were on vacation in the cabin when a hurricane hit, Grover showed up babbling about some camp he and my mom knew about, we drove toward the camp, the minotaur acted us, killing my mother before I killed it with it's own horn. Me, Grover, and a girl named annabeth went on a quest to find the master bolt and return it to Zeus before the summer solstice, long story short we did it, luke was a traitor, and kronos was waking. Fast forward to the start of school Gabe started to hit me more and more and started to use me as his sex slave. I went to school, got attacked by monsters, and get kicked out, then i go to camp. get sent on a quest, succeed return to camp until fall semester and go back to Gabe. Me and annabeth got together when we were fifteen. This repeats as a horrid cycle until after the titan war(i'm sixteen here). The gods give me amnesia and send me to the roman camp, Where here i am sent on another quest and succeed here too. the following summer I am sent on yet another quest this time with six other demigods we travel to the ancient lands. On this trip is where Annabeth first rapped me. when we fell into tartarus it had happened three times. We bareilly made it out alive but we did then me, Leo, and Piper faced Gea; Jason was unconscious and Annabeth was protecting him. We won Leo disappeared in a fiery ball and I knew he was going to go find calypso. I found myself wondering what Nico was doing and where he was.

Okay fewwshhh, that was one helluva mouthful. Brb I need some water my mouth's dry.

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