"Welcome to another year of your personal hell--ehem,Hogwarts studying:where we will be changing a few things on the spot while I'm here after a few announcments..." He drawled,leaning on Slughorn's desk.

The students who listened in rapt attention,all began to sweat coldly at when the ravenet had pretended to correct himself.

(Well...except for those idiot third years who call themselves the 'Marauders' who seemed not to listen to their classes all the time other than if something interesting happened.In this case,that would be Reborn taking part of their Potions class in Slughorn's absence.)

The ravenet man fingered a chalk in his hand,throwing it in the air and catching it as he hummed--before he whipped his arm,throwing and aiming four chalks to hit the four stooges(it should've been three,but oh well,he can adjust)in their foreheads.


Four Gryffindors collapsed on their seats,falling backwards:they sat on the floor rubbing their sore foreheads as their stand-in potions' professor stood to tower in front of them as they glared at him.

...Everyone else either gaped in awe or looked mortified at what he had done:some looked a teeny bit gleeful about seeing the four get chewed on a bit by their temporary professor--especially the Slytherins,although they held their laughter in as one glare from the man gave them enough fear not to let out one slip of laughter.

"Pay attention.I will not tolerate on idiotic actions such as any picking on others,mucking about,sabotaging others,or whispering amongst yourselves unless it is about the lessons.I will do no such thing as favoring one group for the other--I'm not that low on standard.Punishment shall be delivered to those who break any of the rules.I expect nothing but all attention focused on this class:I do not care if you all even try reporting me to your houses of my treatment...this is the same treatment that has spurred on top Aurors and Hitwizards for decades.It has already been discussed with the Headmaster and the staff.I am not afraid if you report me to your parents:you can go crying to your mommies and daddies to go 'boohoo' about that one mean professor for all I care,but know this--" The ravenet smirk darkly,a glint of a promise of something unpleasant to come.

He leaned forward a bit,his smirk turning wider,scaring those in the room and especially the ones bearing the brunt of his negative attention.

"Disobey those rules,and you'll find yourselves hanging upside down on the Weeping Willow.Or if I get creative enough,I'll have you tied up in the Shrieking Shack and leave you there alone with a few terrifying creations of my own~.Interrupt me or not paying attention to the lessons especially,I can give you all one way trip to hell." He promised,before he leaned away and walked back to the desk.

Of course,he wasn't really threatening them,but more of...telling them that any actions that they commited are analyzed and monitored closely by him and should they step out of the line....well...unpleasant punishments happen.

How they will interpet and understand the meaning behind his words was up to them.

Then he leaned again on the desk,crossing his arms.

"Let's redo the introductions again now,shall we?I'm going to do a roll call after I've introduced myself,then you can ask a few questions regarding me or your absentee of a Potions professor,before diving into potions making..." He hummed,smirking yet again.

Then he tipped his fedora at the(successfully cowed and obedient)students,grinning widely:they all blinked in surprise when a chameleon crawled up his fedora though.

"Chaos.My name's Reborn...I'm sure you've all heard of me somewhere,
whether its the muggle or wizarding world;really,its hard not to when one's as famous as I am~.And this is Leon,my long-time partner.That's all,I guess...I will now be doing a random roll call with a few quizes thrown in--the first name I pick,I will then choose a potions ingredient to be your designated homework subject.Each time we meet,I will pick a name and give out a potions ingredient to be the subject of your homework that all of you will be making."

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