Chapter III:Back to Hogwarts

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One Month Later...

Its been a month now since Severus met his real father.

After he met his father,he was unfortunately forced be absent for a month from Hogwarts for him to be able to adjust in his new life in the Vongola Family.

While he did managed to make peace with most of the turmoil inside him,that doesn't mean that he was emotionally or mentally ready enough to deal with actually living with his father.

He was nervous and quite skittish around his father,subconciously showing aggresion and a bit of distrust despite knowing something within him that it was safe to trust his father and the Vongola.

He tended to unknowingly antagonize him,defying some of his orders or downright rebelling and being disrespectful to the brunet.

Of course,his mother tried to correct this behaviour:while she knew that this was her son's way to sort of 'test the waters',she still did not approve such display of rudeness.

Despite this all of this,Tsuna smiled warmly at him and accepted all of this behaviours with such warmth that it made him embarrassed for being so childish.

He only realized what he was doing when one of his father's guardians--Lambo Bovino(a lazy,kind of laid back type of man)40 year old--had pointed this out to him.

The Decimo's right hand man,Hayato Gokudera,was actually the first to notice his childish(ungrateful actually,Hayato's words,not mind)behaviour and gruffly told him that he was being a "Ahoushi".

Like,what the hell was an "ahoushi"?!The way that the annoyed silveret put emphasise on it made him feel insulted somehow.

(Somewhere in the Vongola Mansion in Italy,a ravenet sneezed.)

From then on,he immediately halted his rude behaviour,but still kept his wariness.

Tsuna didn't seem to mind--though he does look pained at the fact that his own son was wary of him and did not fully trust him yet.

Severus remembered being told that he would not be going to Hogwarts:honestly,he nearly had an anxiety attack of sorts when he heard that and his father had to light up those (pretty) sky blue flames of his to use it to calm him down.

When he had calmed down somewhat,his mother then proceeded to explain that he should refrain from attending Hogwarts for a month and adjust in the mansion for the duration of his absence:Reborn,his former DADA professor,was the one to tutor him in that one month.

....Honestly,having that spartan man as his private tutor for a month was quite taxing...he never wanted a repeat of that,lest he lose his sanity.

(He was shock that the man was holding back his sadistic methods back in Hogwarts:and it even shocked him more when he survived that month of studying under the devil spawn.)

He then heard from his mother that she had owled the school that there were some complicated family matters to deal with to Headmaster Dumbledore,so he was unable to attend school and would be absent for a month at least.

Of course,he still studied despite being only absent for a month under the watchful eyes of Reborn as he can't miss anything.

Headmaster Dumbledore was nice enough to inform him(via the letter that he owled to his mother)that Lily was quite upset that they didn't meet as well as she was worried when she heard that he and his mother were dealing with a private family matter.

(Of course,Eileen didn't specify to the headmaster what the family matter was as it was stated, private family matters must be kept within the family.As for Lily,she probably thought that either Tobias was finally arrested for child and woman abuse, or that Severus might be in a critical condition due to...whatever Tobias might have done to him.)

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