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It all began like how every Hogwart's year started:it was one month into the term of school on September and it was Severus' third year.

He and Lily Evans--a childhood friend of his whom he met when they were eight year old kids--were walking down the hallway to head to the dungeons for Potions class,when Potter and co appeared.

Like how they usually do to tease/pick on him and all that.

Lily was too busy to see it then when Severus' had barely sent counter-attack (No,he did not attack first,and he has a valid reason to retaliate so as to defend himself!)against Black's hex....then Potter suddenly halted,squinted at his face,then widened in shock and surprise as he abruptly ended his hexing assault.

Before exclaiming and all but commented(rudely at that)about his looks in a--

"What the hell happened to your ugly appearance?!"

-- loud voice filled with disbelief,shock, and surprised.

(He really wanted to strangle him to death then,if only he didn't have Lily walking with him to their Potions' class!)

Severus shot him a look,both being slightly confused and annoyed,his frown deepening.

"What the hell do you mean,Potter?" He spat,irate.

With Potter voicing out his thoughts,Black and the others took notice,gaping at him open-mouthed.

It seems that every student in the corridor leading to the Potions class were also staring at him,and he couldn't help but be annoyed.

"Well?Why are you all staring at me like a bunch of brainless dunderheads?" He demanded.

Then he noticed Lily also staring at him,shocking him a bit:he blushed slightly at her wide-eyed,intense gaze.

"L-lily?" He finally sputtered and weakly called out,uncomfortable.

And then,a certain Hitwizard(who had arrived a week earlier to observe Hogwarts or whatever it was as Dumbledore had invited him over)came around,announcing with a drawl about the absence of their Potions' professor before he took notice of the commotion in the corridor.

"Chaos.Due to some emergency,
Professor Slughorn will be gone for two months:I'll be your teacher until then and--why are you standing in the middle of the corridor like buffoons?Head to classes,you nitwits.I won't have you all be wasting your time away here:we ain't got all day,you blubberheads." He snapped,tone filled with authority at the end.

In a flash,the others evacuated the corridor:some headed to the Potion's classroom down to the dungeons,and the upper years went about to their OWLs and NEWTs classes.

The hitwizard,however,was simply walking at a sedate pace,staring at the direction where a certain Slytherin had went.


He thought for a while where he had seen those familiar brown eyes(Wait,wasn't his eyes onyx an hour ago?)that shone either sunset-orange or indigo glow depending on the mood and emotion that the holder was feeling:he knew something was fishy when he saw past the illusion that the liquid glamor had casted over the certain Slytherin!

"...Dame-Tsuna...!" He snapped his fingers in realization,his usual smirk darkening.

( seems that his intuition wa right after all!Dame-Tsuna's former girlfriend seems to be feeding their son food laced with liquid glamor:like--how had he not noticed whom the child looked like?)

Then he whistled as he walked along the corridors,slamming the classroom's door open dramatically before he kicked it shut as he strutted in the room.

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