29. Flirting at Taco Bell

Start from the beginning

"Wait, wait, wait," Megan held up a hand. "When did you talk to Weston?"

Jamie waved her phone in front of Megan's face. "Five minutes ago," she rolled her eyes. "Hell-oh."

Sassy Jamie is insufferable.

Sophie looked up from where she was rearranging the dresses in my trunk to make more space. "Jamie, when did you get his number?"

"Last night," she said. "I think he put it in my phone without me realizing it, but I don't know how he could have possibly done that, since my phone is locked and always with me, except for when I accidentally leave it places. Maybe he snuck into my room to give me his number. I hope not, that's creepy and kind of disturbing, and definitely crosses a line. Maybe I left it in the library last night, but that still doesn't explain how he got into my phone, since it's locked and only I know the password - "

Megan snatched Jamie's phone right out of her hand, swiping to unlock it and typing in a series of letters.

The phone opened.

Jamie looked very confused.

"Unicorns," Megan explained, giving the phone back to its owner. "The password is unicorns."

"Not anymore, it isn't!" Jamie declared. "I'm changing the password to flabbergast, and you'll never be able to guess it!"

I'm not even going to bother to tell her.

Since the dresses were packed safely in my car, I closed the trunk, locking the vehicle just as Cordelia came sauntering over.

"Mrs. Darcy and Mrs. Green are going to find masks for everybody," she said. "Then they're going back to the manor. They said not to wait."

"Great," Megan said, leaning against the side of my car. "So, I guess we just sit here, twiddling our thumbs, until the guys decide to drag their asses back over here and grace us with their presence?"

"Liam said they're on their way back," Cordelia said, typing away furiously at her phone. "They should be here in a few minutes."

"Oh, jellyfish," Jamie sighed. "Can't I go back with Mrs. Darcy?"

Is she afraid that Weston will try to ask her out again, or is she afraid of her response?

"Kriss," Jamie met my eyes, narrowing hers. "Wipe that thoughtful look off of your face. I shall not succumb. I don't even know what you're thinking, but I know I won't like it."

I gave her a sheepish look, mixed with what I thought was a teasing grin. I think I actually looked constipated.

The guys came back a few minutes later, and, after much arguing, we all decided we'd eat at Taco Bell - since last time we were all in Plattsburgh, we went with Megan's idea and had sushi

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The guys came back a few minutes later, and, after much arguing, we all decided we'd eat at Taco Bell - since last time we were all in Plattsburgh, we went with Megan's idea and had sushi.

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