Prologue (Rework)

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Falling. Falling from the sky amongst the rain was an Eevee. In a forest she fell as the thunder roared and the lightning flashed. Then she crashed. Through the trees the Pokemon bumped back and forth before reaching wet, mushy ground. She lay on her side, barely conscious this stormy night. Pitter-Patter the rain went. Pitter-Patter soaking the Eevee, she couldn’t move her body no matter how hard she tried. Instead, she only felt herself grow weaker as it rained Glameow and Lillipup, drifting into unconsciousness.

* * *

Slowly opening her eyes, the brown fox-like Pokemon found herself in a completely new environment. It wasn't like the forest. She was in a building of some sort. Maybe it was someone's home? It was certainly a place someone would be staying in. There was a table, windows, and a couple of seats. All of them wooden, the windows with no glass at all... 

The Eevee noticed that she was lying on a nest and thankfully not the cold hard ground. It was made of straw, softly cushioning any weight a Pokemon her size would have. She should probably get going now-

“Ee-vleugh!” Her vomit hit the ground, in front of another Pokemon the moment she inched her head forward. Weird. Just realizing now, she felt awfully ill. A headache pounded strongly and it was as if the sun was burning her body. The fluffiness of an Eevee body didn’t help at all, especially with that fluffier cream colored fur around her neck. The other Pokemon had brought a bowl over to her unknownst to the Eevee. Her head was tilted as the bowl neared her mouth. The mixture inside was green and unappetizing. “Eevee…”

But she stuck with it, opening her mouth wide for her medicine, closing her eyes tight. The texture was goopy which made it harder to swallow thanks to the urge of throwing up from the taste. And then, she watched the bowl retreat tiredly. Her eyes half closed, her head was pet slowly, soothing her to sleep.

What awaited the following days was the same chore of the Eevee being fed her medicine just to fall back asleep almost immediately. Sometimes her caretaker lifted and cradled her, or told a story, or sang softly. Throughout her time hospitalized, the Eevee learned that the one taking care of her was a Chansey, one named Merry if her hearing didn’t fail. The pink egg-shaped egg holder would tell her how she was found, how lucky the Eevee was that someone noticed her. Stories Merry told focused on a Piplup who came here just like her, on a stormy night, plummeting in the same forest, becoming terribly ill for many a day. Then one day, when he was all better, he went on to become an explorer. That was the Eevee’s favorite of all, she couldn’t care less about those adventures the Piplup went through. It felt like she wasn’t here alone, without a clue of herself, even if the story was possibly fake.

Among the boring days the Eevee didn’t need her medicine, laying still for her body to physically heal, one of the residents visited her. It was a Leafeon named Petal. She wasn’t exactly the story-telling type but instead, the type of Pokemon who came to say hello when she had the time to, gifting the patient flower crowns and berries.

And finally, the Eevee fully recovered one day. The Chansey took her to town that day to introduce the Pokemon to the residents. The town, its name was Lylow. It was so small and peaceful as the two walked.

There was Technical Magnemites, a Technical Machine shop run by two Magnemites named Proton and Electron. As the theme of their store suggests, they did indeed sell Technical Machines (TM’s for short), colored discs that taught the user a move they wanted to learn. As a bonus, Proton and Electron gave whoever bought a TM for the first time a big, metal box with a black glass in order to use the TM. No one knew where the metal boxes came from but the Magnemites sure knew that it would give them money.

The shop where Pokemon got whatever they needed, whether it be apples, berries, or anything really, Junker’s Junk, was the least appealing of them all. A Banette by the name of Junker owned it and despite his shop being a mess, he can bring a requested item easily. The weirdest thing had to be the stink that came from it and when someone ordered an apple or a berry, it remained untouched by the horrid scent of whatever else Junker had.

There was Raggy's Show, a thing that would happen in the cafe, Swirly Sweets, which a Slurpuff and Swirlix named Latte and Sugar ran. Raggy's Show would happen around the afternoon to cheer up any kids that were upset, by having a stage play in the middle of the cafe from a Mimikyu whose name was Raggy. There was also some staff that worked there. Raggy would be in his shift whenever he was not performing for the kids, Maple, a Pikachu mother of one Pichu named Pitch, helped out with orders, and Chi, a Minccino, cleaned up what mess the kitchen or cafe made.

The post office for mail was called Feather Delivers. Only flying type Pokemon were allowed to work there, since they could travel freely however way they wanted without much to stop them and right beside Feather Delivers was the bank, Karma’s Greed, a bank Luzure the Liepard ran, her son, Midnight, the successor. Lastly, Soothing Scents, a flower shop run by Cotton the Whimsicott, along with the help of Petal and a Roselia called Fragrance.

Of course, everyone was taken aback by the Eevee’s lack of vocabulary when she spoke, but eventually, they did get used to her, treating her like any other resident in Lylow.

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