Just relax |8|

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(If it's in this font <— it's a flashback/memory)


Like almost every day since leaving the bubble, Devin and Avery were talking on the phone.
Devin called her every day and she didn't understand why but didn't complain either she liked hearing about what's going on in his life, she hasn't gotten to the point where she shares a lot but she will humor him.
Things are just confusing and these daily calls didn't help clear anything up.

Avery was laying in bed in a much different setting than usual, it felt odd being in her childhood home, it felt a little too real, a little too familiar... she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

"Yea... I thought you were staying in Arizona?"

"That was the plan. Then I found out there wasn't anything for me there" he said nonchalantly.

"So how long are you gonna be in LA?"

"Couple hours then I'm going on some trip with... some friends"

Avery couldn't help but laugh "aren't you dating one of those "friends" ?"

He laughed but ignored the question moving on to a different subject, but Avery was stuck in a daze.

Devin stood holding Avery with her legs wrapped around his waist, keeping her from touching the water below them.

"I couldn't imagine this with anybody else..."

She didn't realize she was daydreaming until Devin yelled for her, it was peaceful chaos though.

"I'm listening!"

"No, you weren't you were doing that daydreaming thing again"

"I was not," she said curling up in her bed.

"You don't stare at an object for 3 minutes not responding to anything just for fun"
He teased.

"You don't know that"

He laughed at her sassiness "whatever A"

Devin didn't let the silence stay for too long before adding more to their conversation.

"I miss you Avery... we need to hang out when we are both back in Arizona I swear"

"Yea, of course... whenever that happens"
She chuckled looking around her room.

"We'll be home soon, it can be like old times except we can legally drink now" he laughed.

"Uh you were the only one who used to drink underage Mr. Booker, I was a good kid"

They talked for a little longer before Avery told Devin she needed to go, Zoe had made plans for the two but wouldn't tell Avery what they were.

"Well have fun let me know what you guys end up doing. And be safe!"

"I will. See you later dev"


"I don't want to go out. I don't even like partying" Avery groaned.

A perfect day in Avery's eyes would be sitting at home in pajamas watching Netflix with all kinds of food, she very much was a homebody and wasn't ashamed.

"No we are gonna go out and you are gonna have fun!"

"Is it gonna be fun if you have to tell me to have fun?"

Avery was ready to start a long game of stalling, Which has always been her favorite game.

"Get up and get dressed"

She let out another grown rolling out of bed.
She packed fancier clothes just in case but she was hoping she wouldn't have to use them.

She put on a strapless green mini dress that hugged her body perfectly, she added black heels, and straightened her naturally curly hair.
She was content with just a winged liner and light makeup.

She reluctantly left her room and got into her blacked-out dodge hellcat (it is also a big reason Avery misses home).

"I hope you know you won't be the one drinking tonight" Avery looked over at the passenger seat where Zoe was sitting.
She rolled her eyes at her upset best friend.
"I don't want to be here so I should at least get to drink"

"I won't drink that much"

Avery had always been the designated driver, she was often considered the mom of the group when they went out drinking but she was always fine with it.

"You won't drink at all" she scolded.

Zoe rolled her eyes again.

Avery pulled up to the club looking at her precious car one last time praying it could make it through Zoe's driving tonight, she got out getting looks from guys all around.
She looked down while walking in, everybody's stares were making her self-conscious, and recently it's felt like everybody was staring at her. She just needed everything to stop.

The two girls went straight to the bar, Avery ordered a drink while Zoe stared at her giving her the best puppy eyes she's she could muster up.

"You're not drinking. Go be a hoe"

She dramatically got up and went to a group of guys.
Avery laughed watching her do the flirting act she does with every guy she meets at the bar.

She went back to her drink minding her own business when a man sat down next to her.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?"

Avery rolled her eyes before turning to him with a fake smile greeting him. She could pretend like she hasn't heard that pick-up like a thousand times before.

While Avery was stuck having an awkward conversation with a complete stranger who was not even that good looking Zoe was surrounded by guys she didn't know who decided to be generous and buy her a couple of drinks... and then some more.


Another one down!

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