Endings for everybody |10|

514 15 2

With Avery


That's all Avery could feel at the moment.

Unable to move, speak, or even open her eyes without feeling pain scorching throughout her entire body.

It had been 8 hours of anxiously waiting and praying for Avery to wake up.
She barely peaked her eyes open at Zoe and gently squeezed her hand, that's all her body could handle at the moment.
She's been receiving various types of medication for pains and possible infections from cuts and other injuries, they have been crushing any strength she had to stay awake.

She tried to move her head to the side, aches growing from being in the same position for so long, when she shifted a bit she heard a comforting voice say "hey" and then the touch of someone on her head.

She was desperate to open her eyes, needing to know who was next to her.

"How are you feeling?"
Softness in the masculine voice gave Avery comfort.

Her eyes opened to meet the man next to her she struggled to stay awake but she kept trying.

"What are you doing here?"

"I had to see you... couldn't leave my favorite girl here alone"
He gave a genuine smile which Avery couldn't help but return.

"Thanks, Devin..."

He kissed her forehead.
"You should get some more sleep, okay? The doctor said not to wake you up"

She closed her eyes in response quickly letting sleep take her over.

Devin turned to Zoe who had been watching the two for almost an hour.

"I want to talk to you."

He whispered not wanting to wake Avery. He wasn't supposed to be in the room but the desperate beg got him through the door...
And the title of Devin Booker...

"I never thought I would hear you say that"

"Not the time" Devin stated.

They walked further away from her bed so they wouldn't disturb Avery.


"She wanted to go out and just clear her mind so I agreed..."


"We decided I would be the DD... but I had some drinks and I didn't want her to be mad so I didn't tell her... On our way home I was just so tired, I couldn't keep my eyes open and the next thing I know there are headlights just coming at us"

"You were drunk?" His voice got louder.

"I wasn't drunk I only had a couple of drinks"

What was once a slightly composed man turned into yelling and anger. It's like Devin only saw red, and with good reason.

"A couple of drinks! You never fucking think so you Zoe!"

"It was an accident... I swear..."

"I don't care. Look what you did!"

He looked back to see if his outburst woke Avery up but she was too drugged up to be bothered.

"It's the same shit different year"


"Get out."

Zoe left with tears running down her face, Devin didn't care he was too busy focused on what could've happened. what almost happened.

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