Just one talk |3|

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Avery stood next to Caleb while the guys practiced, they are a couple days in now and she has gotten a little more comfortable around the new faces.
She was afraid it would turn into a nightmare of a stay but to her surprise everything has run somewhat smooth.

"Okay, so I want you to tape some ankles just so when game time comes you're not doing it for the first time, okay?"

"Sounds good" she said flashing her smile.

"Hey booker!" He yelled.

Avery's heart stopped when he called out for Devin, Out of all the people on the team.

Devin turned his head raising his eyebrow in question.

"Can you have Baynes come over here?"

He turned around laughing he clearly knew what he had done.
He might not have the whole story but he knows there's a story there.

"That was funny wasn't it?" His evil grin showing.

Avery laughed it off playfully rolling her eyes.
She grabbed the tape and went to where Baynes sat down, her heart was still beating so rapidly thinking she was going to have spend somewhat alone time with Devin.

She loved taping ankles, she wasn't sure why but it was always her favorite thing to do so she was perfectly content with this job.

She finished what she was doing and smiled proudly at her work, she asked him if everything felt fine, he moved his ankle a bit assuring her everything felt right before jogging back to the rest of the guys.

She went back over to Caleb and he praised her for her work, she felt really good about what she was doing, like all that college work and late nights paid off.

She finished the practice feeling very confident about her work, it was only one job but she wasn't used to people appreciating what she did.

She collected all her folders, pens, and other equipment and headed back to her hotel room.


There was a knock on Avery door while she was playing on her bed scrolling through different social media's, there was a little suspicion since it was pretty late.
It felt like she was back in high school with basketball tournaments, even as adults they had a curfew and the hallways got checked making sure everybody was in their room.

It wasn't great but with these guys, she understood why it had to be done.

There were multiple options on who could've been at the door but she pretty much knew who would be standing there.

As soon as she opened she knew she was right.
There Devin stood with his big cheesy smile holing a bottle of wine

"Ready to get wasted off one bottle of cheap wine?" He raised his brow.

Avery rolled her eyes and fought the urge to close the door right in his face.

"You're so rude, won't even invite your guests in" he walked past her into her room sitting down on the couch.

She watched him in disbelief before following him.

"What are you doing?"

He held the wine bottle up again.
"I already told you. Cheap wine why not?"

He grabbed two paper coffee cups and poured the wine it in.
He gave her a cup and sat down again closer to her.

Avery took a sip and was not pleased with what he had supplied but kept her mouth shut anyway, whatever this interaction was she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.
Devin on the other hand did not keep his opinion to himself after taking a drink.

"Wow... that is ass"

She tried to hold her laugh in but failed with his reaction which made him smile.

"So... How long have you been in Arizona?"

"The middle of March... ish"

"And you didn't say anything?"

"Why would I?" She answered like it was a trick question.

It was obvious what was going on here, Devin was trying to get as much information from her as he could, but she wasn't gonna let him in more than she had to, not a single word that wasn't needed would come out of her mouth she swore on it.
She had no desire to be cruel, but once upon a time he did... and that won't ever be forgotten.

"You don't have anybody in Phoenix I could've helped you out"

"I don't need help, after so much practice I got good at doing things of my own..."
"And even if I did I had Zoe with me

There was a pause, enough bite to let Devin know this wasn't going anywhere.

"Well I'm glad you guys are still friends"

Silence filled her room for a moment, neither sure what to say.
Part of Devin wanted to break down and apologize but the other part was hoping she didn't care anymore... but it was too obvious she did.

After a couple of minutes Devin spoke up and with time conversation didn't seem so forced, they actually started laughing and enjoying each other's company.

While Avery was talking he felt himself staring a little too long but couldn't help it, he stared into her eyes feeling something he hadn't felt in years.

Devin was easily locked into her stare while Avery found it a little hard to look at him without feeling anything.

He slowly leaned in.

"We can't do this again... we can never do that again"
She made sure to stress "never". She knew a thousand ways this could end horribly not only for their jobs... but for themselves.

Devin fixed himself while Avery stood up walking to the other side of the room.

"You shouldn't even be here Devin."

"We aren't doing anything wrong A." He chuckled "They can't yell at us for not breaking the rules"

"I think they made themselves pretty clear on the whole "do not go into each other's rooms" rule"

Devin looked down for a moment before looking back at Avery.

"I don't remember hearing that"

"Of course you don't"

Devin was busy staring at Avery while she rolled her eyes at him he didn't seem to notice his girlfriend calling him. He looked over and ignored the call taking his attention back to Avery.

"Come on I'm just messing around. You don't want to have a good time?"

Devin got up from the couch and started moving closer to Avery.

"Devin I'm not kidding."

"Come on A"

He put his hands on her waist keeping her still but not adding too much pressure.

"I'm not trying to make a move on you, I just missed you"

Avery quickly pushed his hands off of her and moved him back.
"You need to leave"

He lost his intimidating eyes and something that was very rare for him, he looked like he felt bad.
He backed away from her and walked out of her room not without stealing one last glance.

He walked out the door passing a lady while he went back to his room only a few doors down from Avery.

He went into his room where he flopped onto the bed sighing dramatically.

*Down the hall*

"Uh, he just left her room..."

"I don't know he was in there for a while... and he took wine"

"What are you gonna do to her?"


Oh no looks like somebody got caught😳

How do you feel about Avery and Devin??🤔

Comments and likes help me out so so much❤️

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