Just get through it |2|

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It was hard to tell who's heart was beating faster in that moment, but neither were racing for the same reason.
Avery sat without moving any of her very tense muscles, staring at Devin while he stood with the biggest smile his team had ever seen from him.

They probably would've stayed there forever staring in shock if the head coach didn't interrupt. He clapped his hands grabbing everybody's attention he thanked everybody for coming and announced his plans and hopes for our time here.

While he was talking Devin tapped Cam's shoulder signaling for him to move.
he sat down next to Avery and didn't say a word, he acted like nothing was out of the ordinary for him.

Avery found it almost impossible to focus feeling Devin's gaze on her, she looked over at him and he smiled at her before turning his attention back to their coach.

It's gonna be a long couple of months...


After a thirty-minute speech, the coach said everybody was free to do whatever they wanted as long as they stayed inside the building.
Avery stood up getting ready to leave before Devin spoke up making her stop her movements.

"I had no idea you were working here?"

She looked at him surprised by his friendliness.

Caleb glanced between the two "You guys know each other?"

They both looked back at each other before looking at Caleb again. Avery spoke first before Devin could get a word out.

"Uh no..."

She turned and walked out of the room while she had to pretend she couldn't feel Devin's heated gaze on her the whole time she walked.
She didn't miss the hurt in his eyes and it wasn't intentional but this wasn't the place to start something.

She was waiting for the elevator when Caleb walked up next to her.

"Since I have only known you for a couple of hours I won't push but since I'm clearly your new best friend we have to talk about this. Is there some history there?"

Avery chuckled.

"I have no idea who that man is" she smiled.

Caleb rolled his eyes and smiled back.
"Well sorry I just can't tell you a single time I've ever looked at a stranger that way"


Avery sat on her bed texting Zoe, she told her about everything except she left the details out of their meeting, Zoe would only make it into a bigger deal than it was and Avery wanted the furthest thing from that.
She had no desire to stand out or be a name everybody remembered, she wanted to do her job and leave like she was hired to do.

She pulled out her outfit for tomorrow and then sat on her bed and did some research, even after graduating she still studied pretty regularly, she wanted to be the best at what she does so if she had a few moments to refresh her memory she would take it.

She spent roughly two hours going through different books and reading all sorts of things.
She put on an oversized t-shirt and some shorts and went through her phone before eventually turning it off and going to bed.


"Davon I swear she's working for us now" Devin was on the phone with his brother pacing around his room.

"She moved to Phoenix a couple of months ago apparently... yea her and that bitch Zoe"

His face hurt from smiling while listening to his older brother on the other end of the line.
He went on and on for almost an hour, it was shocking since Devin isn't one for talking too much, not just on the phone but in general, he didn't like sharing details of his life, but he couldn't help it.

"Okay I'll talk to you later" he hung up his phone and threw it on the bed face up.
He couldn't get rid of the smile on his face, he felt like a kid in school who just lost his virginity, if you saw the look on his face you would've thought he just had the best 18 seconds of his life.

He walked around the room in his thoughts, happy thoughts, so many things were rushing through his mind he was only thinking about one person, even though he had other things that should've been a priority.

His phone started ringing, he looked to see Kendall's name on his phone, he had never experienced his heart dropping down to his ass so quick.

"H-hello?" His shaky voice couldn't hold in his stutter that was caused by the fear.

"Hey Devin," she said trying to sound seductive.

"What do you need"

He was taken back by the rudeness in his voice, it was entirely unintentional but he couldn't stop it.
"Uh I thought maybe you missed me"
His straightforward response caught her off guard.

"Oh, yea... what are you doing?"

"What is your problem today?"

Devin smiled to himself thinking about his day. Something about the most perfect green eyes.

"Nothing I'm just tired."

"Well wake up I want to talk to you," she said rudely.

So he sat there as she went on about her day he gave her a "yea" or "mmh" she didn't really mind though she just kept talking while Devin sat there, mind drifting to different things, things he shouldn't think about when he's in a "relationship"

After she finished talking and hung up he got up and went down the hall to Kelly's room, considering the whole team, he had known Kelly the longest and though he hasn't told him his life story Devin knew Kelly would still try to understand with the details he had.


Avery woke up and got ready for her first day.
She put on black fitted pants, she made sure to wear some without holes to look professional, even though she hardly ever wore them she knew it was for the best.
She put on her black Sun's shirt and black heeled booties.

They had food delivered to their doors every morning so she ate her breakfast while scrolling through Instagram.

She got a text from Caleb telling her to be ready by nine so they could go to the gym.
She finished eating and grabbed her phone with her room key and bracelet to check into places, ready to finally get out of her hotel room.

They were at the practice gym and she stood next to the coaches and Caleb watching the team train. she closely examined the way they would all play, making sure they all looked healthy and there was no limping or bleeding from any of them.

Coach Williams made a friendly conversation with the young girl knowing she was nervous with the big setting of everything.
He let her know that everybody here was chill for the most part and that Avery was now one of them, she is welcomed into the family like she didn't just meet them only 24 hours ago.

"Hey, Avery! Can you check him out real fast?" One of the assistant coaches yelled

"Of course" she turned around not expecting to see the one and only Devin Booker.

"Oh... of course"

"Ouch... my ankle," he said with an evil grin.

Avery sucked her teeth before walking with him off the court.

"You're never gonna leave me alone are you?"

He had a proud smile on his face "nope"


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