Reminiscing |15|

339 12 5

Devin placed a cup of water on the nightstand by Avery's bed, it was only 8 but it was a big day because Avery went to a checkup appointment and got the approval to start sleeping in her actual bed, she has spent weeks on the couch that was rearranged to make a perfect little recovery bed.
She had an ottoman pushed up against her L-shaped couch, Her mom had put a little table by it so she had somewhere for all her stuff, and the couch had pillows and blankets to make it more comfortable.

But that's not important anymore since she had a king-sized bed to roll over in as much as she wanted.
Devin plugged her phone in and placed it on the bed.

He tucked her in like she was a child and kissed her forehead.
"Okay you have a cup of water over there if you get thirsty, the tv is on in case you want to watch the worst show ever made.
And if you need absolutely anything you can call me and I will come back, okay?"

Avery's eyes widened at his words. Come back?

"W-what do you mean?" She stuttered.

"I mean I hate modern family" he laughed.

"No what do you mean come back, where are you going?"

"I'm going home silly. You got the okay to start moving around now, you don't need me here anymore"

She stared at him in disbelief. What does he mean of course she needs him!
Who's gonna talk to her when she can't sleep? Who is she gonna eat breakfast with?
Who's gonna make fun of her favorite show?

She tried so hard to wait until he left but her emotions had different plans, her eyes started to gloss over with tears which caused Devin to panic.

"No what's the matter baby? I'll come back tomorrow" he said hugging her body to his.
"You're moms right down the hall you aren't gonna be here alone"

"But she's not you" she sobbed in his sweatshirt.
Devin had a little smile as he chuckled.

"If you don't want me to leave you could've just said" humor in his voice.

"I want you to stay. And we can lay in bed and you can make fun of my show and I can roll my eyes, and you can snore really loud and I'll lay on your arm until it falls asleep and you have to lay there helpless until I move"

"Okay okay, I get it! But tomorrow I have to go get more clothes"

"That's tomorrow's problem"

He laughed pulling off his shirt and removing his watch and putting it on her bedside table.

He pulled the covers back and laid down next to her, feeling her soft cotton pajamas against his warm body, he relaxed in the bed while she wrapped her arms around him, one bruised from where they drew her blood earlier that morning.

He looked down at Avery who was now entranced with the tv sniffling softly.
He wiped her tears with his hand smiling down at her angelic face.

"You okay beautiful?"

Avery looked up through her thick eyelashes and nodded.
Devin kissed the top of her head, it came to mind that he probably should break that habit.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine" she mumbled.

"Everything was fine at the doctor's?"
He took her but they made him leave the room while she undressed for the doctor to examine her body.

"There's only a little bruising on my ribs but that's besides that he said everything looks fine"

Avery had gotten her cast removed a few days prior now she's in a foot brace which allows her foot to breathe a little more than with the cast.
She had been in therapy since a few days after the accident and the only symptom she still suffers from is fatigue.

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