Regularly schduled program |21|

192 11 7

This book is coming to an end!
But I still have so much for these two left so I need your help deciding what to do!
Should I make a book two or make this the first half and then make a second half?

You guys get to pick so please give me your feedback on what you want to see! Thank you hope you enjoy this chapter!


I went back to sleep after Devin went to practice.
I was awoken by the mattress dipping from Devin's weight.
His arms wrapped around me while I cocooned myself in the comforter.
"Good second morning"

I turned around away from my comfy spot even though it pained me to, if he were anybody else I wouldn't make such a sacrifice... I would also wonder who else was in my bed.

"What do you want for breakfast I would be happy to make an order for you"

I groaned while stretching out "I don't care I just want food"

"I'm gonna grab my phone you go get ready" I felt his hand smack my ass, and I responded with another groan from the sting.

I stood up and my legs felt like I tried to run a marathon after laying in bed for a year...

I made my way to the bathroom counter steadying myself on every piece of furniture I passed.
I put my hair into a messy bun as I heard Devin walking back into the bedroom.
I quickly grabbed the counter before my legs gave out falling against the ledge.

"Hey wow!"
Devin's arms quickly wrapped around my waist taking the strain off my lower half.
"What's gotten into you?"

I turn around giving him a knowing look.
"Oh right... it was me" he laughs enjoying his joke.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face, he was funny but I could never tell him or it would all go to his head.

He swiftly lifted me onto the counter as if I nothing.
"As much as it hurts me to see you in pain I will take it as a compliment"
He talked while squeezing toothpaste onto my toothbrush.

"Open up"
I just stared at him, I was perfectly capable of brushing my own teeth but of course, he had to be goofy about it.
"Just like last night come on"

I smacked his chest and I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"That did not happen"

"I know but it's funny isn't it?"

It took great strength to hold my glare at him.
I took the toothbrush from his hand brushing my teeth, he grabbed a wash rag, and washed my face, after taking my comb and brushing through my hair.
I sat there cleaning the counter when Devin walked out coming back in minutes later with one of his shirts and my thong.
I smiled at his natural caring instinct.

After I got changed he picked me up off the counter again, carrying me back to bed, he threw the remote on the bed "pick something that can keep us entertained for the next two days"
He walked into the closet changing his clothes I imagine.
There was a knock on the door and I moved the blankets off me to go and answer it but I could hear Devin yelling at me from the other room to leave it for him.

I hated that idea since I was perfectly capable of doing it so I put one foot on the floor before Devin warned me again "Avery I swear!"

I slowly lifted my foot back onto the bed. What kind of super hearing does he have?
I grabbed my phone ignoring the steps Devin took to the front of the house.

He brought back two bags of different breakfast foods, giving us both plenty of options.

After we finished he wrapped his arms around me making sure I was comfortable with no regard for his own solace, his hands tangled in my hair making light rubbing motions and he made sure I was covered with all the soft blankets.

"You aren't putting me to sleep"
My voice came out quieter than intended, very mumbled.

"I'm not trying to beautiful"
I could feel the light kiss on the top of my head that eventually made its way down to my face.

"Good because it won't work"


Hearing Avery's soft snores made me smile to myself, she must've exhausted herself from arguing that she wasn't going to fall asleep.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand again, I didn't need to check it I knew what it was already and it was not as important as what I have right now.

I rested my head on top of Avery ready to sleep with her but the sound of knocking quickly put a stop to that.
I got up quickly hoping whoever it was wouldn't wake Avery.

Passing through rooms until I made it to the front door, I was met with my dad's face. Fucking A.

"What do you want?"

"I came to patch things up with my son, is that wrong of me?"

I couldn't help the eye roll.

"You can't fix anything until you apologize to my wife"

"She's not your wife"

"She will be! And anybody who disrespects her isn't going to be in our lives"

"You're too old to be acting like this Devin"

"Setting boundaries? That doesn't sound very childish to me. Apologize to her or go"

"Okay, where is she?"

"She's in our bedroom"

My dad turned to go down the hallway, not even knowing where our bedroom is.
I put my hands on his shoulder pushing him back.

"You're not going back there!"

"You just told me to go apologise to her!"

"You can text or call but you aren't going to make her uncomfortable while you try to fake her forgiveness"

"Is that what it's gonna take for you to stop acting so ridiculous? Finally grow up and start acting like a grown man?"

"If she forgives you I will, but if not don't try to contact me in any way"

He rolled his eyes, scuffing, obviously annoyed with my requirements.
"So this is how it's going to be?"

I never confirmed or denied it, I stared him down until he got the point.
He gave a forced laugh before turning to leave.

I stood there trying to process everything for a minute.

Walking back to Avery where I need to be, everything all of a sudden made sense, I knew exactly what I needed and so desperately wanted to do.
Shaking her sleeping body lightly
"Avery baby wake up"

She groaned trying to turn away from me but I pulled her back.
"Hey get ready, tonight we leave for the Bahamas"

I have the week off, so why not marry my

The physical therapist Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon