6. Just friends...

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               I carried Hailey's drunk unconscious body all the way to the hotel room. I was out of breath and when I finally got there I threw her onto the couch. She then woke up.

"Are we in the UK?!" She said rolling herself off of the couch.

"Hailey you need some sleep."

"And you need alcohol!"

I pick her up and set her on her bed. I went to the kitchen to grab a snack because we haven't really gone extreme shopping and I got a text message from Gaege.

Gaege: Hey, is this y/n?

You: Uh yeah? And who might this be?

Gaege: Uh- Its gaege, From the club?

My face grew red.

You: Oh! Yeah! Hi gaege...

Gaege: I was just wondering, Maybe tomorrow I could, uhm, take you to a cafe?

You: Yeah! Sure, that would be great! It depends what time though, because Hailey is drunk and I might have to take care of her and her hangover.

Gaege: Oh, well, maybe text me when you can go? Around 5 pm, If you cant go then... Idk, I'll reschedule if you want.

You: yeah! Yeah, that would be great. I'll try to make it around 5, see you then, then?

Gaege: Yeah! Sure- see you then.

I turn off my phone, Finish my snack. And head to bed.

The next morning Hailey woke up before me sitting on the couch with a washcloth on her head.

"I may have drank too much last night..."

"You think? You are still wearing the clothes you went in" I explain to her. She looks down at what she's wearing, sighs, and tilts her head back on the couch.

"I got a guys number last night."

She suddenly brightens with life.

"Really?! Who!?"

"Well, His name is gaege. He's the guy from the coffee shop we saw. And I'm going there again with him today."

"Oh my god y/n! I told you its fate! You guys found eachother again!"

"I wouldn't exactly call it fate, he found me."

"Still! Ow!" she puts a hand on her head. It was bruised.

"My head hurts in both ways..."

"You had fun last night, You have a bruise."

"What?!" She jumps up and runs to the nearest mirror.

"Do I have any Foundation in my bag?!"

I go over to her make-up emporium in the other bathroom and grab the foundation. I then toss it to her. She puts a lot on.

"Hailey, Its fine."

"No its not! God, my head looks so unappealing!"

"Okay then, Im going to go take a shower and get dressed."

"Okay you go do that." She says still looking in the mirror. I then walk into the other bathroom and get ready to take a shower.

After my shower, I blow-dry my hair, and I get dressed in an oversized red flannel button up t-shirt. Then just some normal black ripped jean shorts. I walk out and hailey is sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hailey! Stop!"

"What! What am I doing?!"

"You cant look at a screen with a headache! Go back to bed." I hand her the washcloth and drag her to her bed. She then lays down, gets under the blanket and drifts off to sleep. I go into the living room and watch some tv to kill time.

It was time to go to the coffee shop. I grab the keys and text gaege saying I'm able to go. He responds with "See you there" And I get on my shoes, and walk out the door.

Every minute of the drive on the way to the cafe, my heart was beating like a drum, and I was super red and flustered. I had Hailey's voice in my head saying "He's the one! He's the one!" All the way there.

I pull up to the parking lot and try to find my cool before getting out of the car. I look through the coffee shops windows. I see gaege sitting there tapping his foot with a cup of coffee in his hand sipping it looking around eagerly. I then walk in, breathing in and out slowly. He looks up.

"Oh! Hey! y/n!"

"Uh- Hi!" I go and sit by him.

"So, what's this about getting to know me better?" I laugh at the fact.

"Uhm, Well, I actually was hoping we could be friends and uh- Get to know each other like friends do- I don't know-"

"Oh, well, tell me a bit about yourself and maybe I can run off of that."

"Okay uhm... I have... 5 friends, and I make youtube videos-"

That sounds awfully familiar. I thought his voice did too when we first met. I just, cant remember where.

"Really? I make youtube videos too! I actually have over 5 million subs- not to brag-"

"Dang, I only have 2 million-"

"Hey, well, at least your golden plack is still shiny-"

"Shut up!" He laughs. I laugh with him.

"I make VR videos mostly" He continues. Again! Super familiar and I can't quite put it together! I then start racking my brain. I couldn't figure it out.

"Really, I do too- we have so much in common-"

"Wow! I guess we do!"

An hour passed and he had to leave. I got in my car and started the painful drive to the hotel. 

When I got there hailey was passed out on the couch with the tv on. I tried to hold in my anger from her not listening to me and went to the balcony.

 I sat on one of the chairs and searched up Juicy on youtube. I watched some videos and laughed. He really is funny. When I get back to scotland I should make a pavlov video with him. I stumble across another video and without thinking I click on it. It started playing and then a sponsorship by him came up. 

He was in a white hoodie and on his gaming chair. I didn't quite look at his face. The tattoos were what grabbed my attention... The same tattoos Gaege has on his arm... then I look at his face. I gasp. Gaege is Juicy!! It all makes sense now! The discord message with him telling me he lives here in florida! Gaege at the coffee house telling me he's a VR Youtuber! It finally came to me! How Am I going to confront him?! Should I confront him...?

~That little brush of mine~ (Gaege gibson x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now