4. Mystery man

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                       On the way back up to the hotel room walking through the hall on our way to get back to the suite, The guy in the cafe was all that hailey was talking about. Mystery man this, Mystery lover this. Man? Lover? Pick a pronoun! I suddenly grew tired of it.

"Hailey i've heard enough"

"But his face~ You loved it~" She said just like a best friend shipping them with someone they stared at in the cafe. WHICH SHE DID.

"Can you please stop."

"I didnt know you changed from being asexual and not into people y/n~"

"I did a long time ago when was the last time we talked before the VR session in which you ditched me.

"Uh- I-" She stuttered

"Stutter bug..." I mumbled.

I grab the key card from my bag.

"Oh come on, y/n. You know you liked him! You know he was attractive!"

"Yes. you don't have to remind me!"

"You haven't liked anyone this much since your ex!"

"That was 2 years ago hailey!"

I unlock the door and walk in. I throw the car keys on the kitchen island and go over to the couch to lay down. Hailey joins me.

"y/n... Its fate"

"If it really is fate... then I'll see him again. Doesn't matter where. And I probably won't because luck doesn't quite like me in this life."

"You'll see him again y/n! I know you will. And I promise, I won't make a move on him" She laughs.

"Thanks hailey but i already told you, luck doesn't work out for me."

"Listen, I have an idea, we'll go shopping at hot topic for you and dress barn for me. Okay?"

"What's hot topic?"

"Oh honey, It's a grunge store with gothic stuff it suits you so well."

"We don't have a hot topic in scotland"

"I get it shipped from america to you all the time that where you get your accessories from that I send you"

"Oh my god- That's amazing!"

"Yeah! And after going to those places we'll go to a super cool bar where you can drink til your heart's content. Sound good? Just to get your mind off of The Mystery man for a while."

"Can we go now? I can't wait for things you know this. Plus you take a long time with your outfits."

"Yeah! Get the keys!"

"Im driving"

"Dang it!" Hailey cries out.

After the drive from the hotel to the mall, Hailey could not wait; she was so freaked out. I pulled up into the mall parking lot and she squealed.

"Hailey, one day youre gonna burst my eardrums."

"I'm just so excited and happy and you are spending a lot of girl time this month!"


I stopped the car, put the keys in my small backpack. And Hailey ran to the mall entrance.

"Wait up!"

And she did. She started to tap her shoe.

"I'm excited for your outfit the most!"


"Because I get to look at all of the clothing you like!" she started to jump up and down.

"Im not even going to ask why that is such a big deal. You and your australian culture."

"Thats offensive!"

"Just like saying all scottish accents sound the same!"

I walk in and she follows. Then she starts to push me toward the dress barn, where she mentioned she was going to do her shopping. So i casually accepted being pushed inside. It was a big store, not so big, but big. I stood in front of the changing rooms and waited for Hailey to come out with the outfit she liked most.

"I really really like this one. Its not so expensive either. Im going to get this one."

I Laughed.

"At least show me before you do buy it!"

She cam out in a white turtle neck sweater and a black skirt fasioned with a brown country stylish belt and black boots.

"Hailey you look so good in that!"

She bought it, put it in a bag and dragged me out to the other store Hot topic. It was so much bigger then I had expected! It was like the size of a grocery store! I waltz on in with hailey and pick out 3 not too fancy, and not too casual outfits and go out to the dressing room. Hailey stands out front waiting for me.

The first, was an e girl sort of looking thing with a long sleeve shirt under a short sleeve thrasher shirt, ripped jeans and a hanging belt with a chain wallet.

"This is too original." I said

"Yeah, agreed"

I go to try on the second which was a black and grey stripped shirt with a overcoat that said 'Alive but dead' when you zipped it up, black leggings and ripped shorts over top of it.

"That one is just plain blah." hailey says.

This is going to be one of those movie moments where you only had 3 choices and magically the 3rd one is the absolute perfect outfit to go to an event in.

But, the 3rd one was a black sweater crop top with black shorts and black fishnets and high boots.

"Its perfect!" hailey says.

See what I mean about the movie thing?

"Actually... ma'am, I've been watching the thins you liked the most and I picked out something perfect for you." they worker implied to me. She held the item in front of me.

"Now thats perfect," Hailey chims in.

~That little brush of mine~ (Juicy x female reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz