2. A trip to Florida

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I woke up to a knocking on my apartment door. I wasn't expecting any company anytime soon. I was scared. I ran out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. The knocking grew louder and aggressive. I grabbed a frying pan from the countertop and slowly walked towards the door.

"I'll use my McLoughlin on you!!" I lied.

I carefully open the door holding my frying pan like a baseball bat. I flinched.

"Pack your bags, y/n I'm kidnapping you! We're going on a trip!!" hailey squealed.

"Holy, Hailey you scared me, what are you doing here in scotland?!"

"Don't ask! Hurry up, the plane leaves in 2 hours and it takes a half an hour to get to the airport!"

I could see her loaned car running outside the window.

"I- I can't go-"

"You are and you will!"

She grabbed my hand and forcefully took me into my bedroom and threw me on my bed. She got out of one of my suitcases and started packing for me. The outfits she picked out weren't that bad.

"Why do you have no color in your wardrobe?"

"Black is a color."

I stood up and untied my frosted chestnut hair from the low braid it was in. My hair was curly.

I helped her pack my stuff. I got the bag and my coat and went outside to the running car with her.

"I cant believe I decided to come with you. I don't even know where we are going and I don't have a plane ticket."

She pulls out an extra plane ticket from her back before putting her hands on the wheel getting ready to drive.

"We're going to america!!"

I look at the ticket.

"Florida? Isn't that supposed to be really hot all the time?"

She put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Hear me out. I know its the beginning of november. But I have three things for you to agree with me on."

She puts up her index finger.

"1. Hot beach guys."

Then her second

"2. Crop tops"

Then her third.

"Really good clubs and bars!~"

I lit up.

"Girl you got me with the third. Florida it is!"

She started driving down the road to the airport.

By the time we got there we had to run because packing took 30 minutes. Then she stopped to go get some food because it was her first time being in scotland. That took 25 minutes. Then we got there at the airport in another 30 minutes and we had 20 minutes to get all of our luggage and run from one side of the airport to the other which took all of our energy. We made it at the last minute. We give the boarding employee our tickets out of breath and find 2 seats that were open. I put my suitcase on the carryon and she does the same. I finally sit down.

"If only we didn't stop for food hailey.."

"Hey! Don't blame me! I haven't been to scotland before!"

"The plane is about to take off. Sit down." She obeyed.

I was asleep by the time we have arrived in florida. The time jump was incredible. The sun was almost done setting and it was morning when we left. The plane ride was about 4 hours.

I grabbed my luggage, and tried to wake up hailey.

"Hailey we're here!"

She woke up in a snap. Jumped up, got her luggage and rushed off the plane.

"Wait for me!!" I too, rushed off the plane. I got so many people staring at me because if my accent. I looked back at the people staring.

"Take a hike!" The walked away scoffing.

I caught up with hailey and she already got a loan car.

"Geez that was fast"
"Its cause Im hot y/n god-" She said jokingly and flipped her hair back to catch on with the joke. She then laughed afterward.

"So, I think there is a hotel not far from here. If you want to stay in the hotel with me you gotta pay half."

"Thats fine with me" I started.

We started walking to the car park to spot the car she just rented.

"How many nights are we staying?"

"A month."

"Hailey! Thats a lot of money!"

Its 3 weeks for the both of us. Which is about 250 american dollars each."

"I guess thats not that bad. Considering my salary for youtube and yours for being a designer"

She agreed.

"The hotel is by a beach in miami"

"Oh, so we are gonna have an ocean view aye?"
"Yes indeed"

We got in the car and put our bags in the trunk and backseat.

"Let me drive. I don't drive like a complete lunatic." I said

"No!! I don't drive like a lunatic!"
"Hailey.. We are in florida now. You're going to be overstimulated.

"Ugh. fine."

She hands me the keys and gets in the passengers seat. I start the ignition. And drive to the hotel.

~That little brush of mine~ (Juicy x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now