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Lauren raced through her room and down the long hallway to King Caspian’s room and banged on the door. 

“Caspian! Caspian!” she called repeatedly. The door finally opened and Caspian stood in the doorway.

“What is it?” asked the dark-brown haired man in his Telmarine accent. “It’s midnight!”

“Caspian, we don’t have time! We are going to be invaded!” Lauren nearly shouted as she pulled on his arm. Realization spread across Caspian’s face and he rushed into his room only to appear a moment later in a green Telmarine vest with his sword strapped around his waist. He grabbed Lauren’s hand and rushed down the hall. The guards were already rushing about, trying to get ready for the unexpected attack.

Minutes later, cannons started exploding nearby. One struck one of the castle walls and sent Caspain and Lauren tumbling to the ground. 

“We need to get outside!” Caspian shouted. The duo raced down the stairs as more cannonballs continued to bombard Cair Paravel.

Lauren gasped when she saw the sight outside. Enemy soldiers were slaughtering the Narnians. There must have been at least a thousand dead Narnians. The darkness shielded her eyes from the worst of the battle.

“Caspian!” Lauren shouted over the noise of the battle. “Those are Calormenes!”

“They couldn’t have reached us, unless they went through Archenland.” he said.

“So,” she whispered. “Archenland has fallen.”

A figure dressed in black armour rode up on a bay horse and stopped in front of Caspian and Lauren. Caspian drew his sword and pointed it at the figure.

“Who are you?” Caspian demanded. The figure removed his black helmet to reveal a dark skinned man. 

“I am the Tisroc.” he said in a heavy accent.

“Why are you here?” Lauren asked, furious.

The Tisroc snickered. “Is it not obvious? Your army has fallen. Your capital is destroyed and you will have to surrender to me.”

“And why would we surrender to you?” Lauren asked.

The Tisroc sighed. “I see that this will not be easy. You can go on ahead and keep fighting till every last warrior of yours is dead, or, you can surrender to me and save what lives you have left. It is entirely up to you.”

Lauren glanced at Caspian, who had his eyes still fixed on the Tisroc. Then she turned to look at the battle. The Narnian numbers were decreasing quickly. She took a deep breath. “Okay we will surrender.” she said to the Calormene king.

A wicked smile spread across the Tisroc’s face as he told his soldiers to cease fighting. 

A/N:     Well, here's the first chapter! Enjoy!

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