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Lauren stared at Tam. "Tomorrow?" she half-yelled. "I can't get there in time! It takes days just to get to Narnia's western border and Cair Paravel is on the eastern edge!"
    Tam shook his head. "Only a miracle can get us millions of miles across the world in three seconds." As soon as he said that, a deafening roar of a lion filled the air and the wind began to move and swirl around the two of them and almost as quickly as it started, it stopped.

    Lauren opened her eyes and sat up. She and Tam were sitting on a grassy ledge that bordered a forest. Below the rocky ledge laid the Eastern ocean and before the ocean sat the great castle of Cair Paravel. Lauren looked over at Tam to see if he was seeing what she was. By the expression on his face, he was.
    Lauren and Tam made their way down the cliff. "I can't believe that happened," Lauren told Tam.
    "Who or what do you suppose did that?" Tam asked.
    Lauren looked at him and smiled. "Aslan." She looked down at her compass and it pointed straight to the castle. "I'm home."
    Lauren quickly regretted saying those words when they walked into the village. She was anything but home. Calormenes were everywhere, terrorizing people and arresting Narnians. Tam quickly threw a black cloak over her and pulled up the hood. "No one can recognize you." he whispered.
    Lauren shook her head. "I have to show myself to at least some people. They need a huge morale boost." Before Tam could say anything, Lauren had disappeared into a crowd.

    "Excuse me!" Lauren said to a villager, who was watching some Calormes set up a wooden stage. Making sure that her hood was still covering her head, she continued. "What are they doing?"
    The man looked at her and motioned toward the stage. "Getting set up for the execution."
    Lauren smiled. "I don't think they are going to get far with it."
    The man turned sharply to look at her. "Why do you think that?" Lauren pulled him into an ally and pulled back her hood. The man gasped. "Your Majesty! You're alive!"
    Lauren nodded. "Why are you surprised?"
    The man frowned. "The Tisroc told everyone that he had killed you."
    Lauren could have laughed, but didn't. "That's perfect. That means I will have a better chance of not being recognized! They will just think that I look like their 'dead' queen! No one will suspect anything!"
    "I hope you are right Your Majesty," the villager replied.
    "What is your name?" Lauren asked him.
    "Thomas," he replied.
    Thank you, Thomas," Lauren told him before running off to find Tam.
    Lauren found Tam waiting behind a tree at the gates of Cair Paravel, hiding from the guards. "Are we going to sneak in?" she asked.
    Tam nodded. "We will have to be careful. The guards switch places in three minutes. That's when we'll sneak inside. Just so you know, I will become as wanted as you if my father finds out that I am helping you."
    "Then I will make sure that he doesn't find out you helped me. As far as he is concerned, I got myself in." Lauren said with a smile.
    "Thank you Lauren," said Tam. "You are a true friend. Something that I never had. I understand why the Narnians love you so much."
    The two guards that stood watch outside Cair Paravel turned around and went inside the walls. Lauren and Tam snuck inside the gates, undetected.
    "We made it!" Lauren whispered.
    "That was a miracle!" Tam agreed.
    "Stop!" a familiar voice said from behind Lauren and Tam. "Halt in the name of the Tisroc!" Lauren turned to see a young man dressed in Calormene armour and her heart sank.

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