Chapter 2: Nate

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Holy. Fucking. Shit.

My heart is racing as I leave Savvy's apartment and I have to yell at myself to calm the fuck down as I get into my pick up. What the hell is wrong with me?

The first time I saw Savannah George was at my frat house for a party. She was dancing with Letty, the girl my best friend was dared to get to fall in love with him, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. There was just something about her that grabbed my attention and kept it. She has this energy that just draws you in, captures you and never lets you go. Maybe that's why I'm like this. Maybe she's some sort of witch or voodoo master and put a spell on me?

Never in my life have I ever wanted or needed a girl to be in my life. Wanted to be around them for more than a few hours. Have freaking thought about a girl for more than a few hours. But from the moment I laid eyes on that five-foot-six, long legged brunette, she's been running around my head like its a damn marathon. I caved and decided to do something about it.

I've never had a girl friend. No, not girlfriend, the one's you sleep with and get backrubs from; although, I guess I've never really had one of those either. That actually sounds kind of nice. Do girlfriends give you backrubs? Hmm if that's the case maybe I'll have to reconsider the whole casual sex thing. But no, I've never had a girl who's a friend before. Never thought I needed one. I mean, who wants to listen to them complain all the time about their love lives, their girl problems or their periods. Shutter. I get enough of that from my parents. That's all they ever do is complain.

Six years ago when I was a sophomore in high school my parents decided to finally get a divorce after having screaming and yelled at each other for most of my life. Only, their divorce wasn't like others. While most people thought that my parents separated because of the arguing, they were blind sighted when they found out it was really because my dad admitted to being gay. Yup. The dad who was married to my mother for more than twenty-years finally came out as gay. When I was in high school. Because high school wasn't bad enough.

When my classmates found out, it became nothing but derogatory taunts. Nasty remarks and disgusting questions. To say I'm surprised I graduated and got into college would be an understatement. I had gotten detention and suspensions more times than I could count because of the assholes at that school. I hated my parents for a bit because of it but since then I grew up and realized that my dad had finally had enough and decided to live his truth. Decided to be truly happy and I would never fault him for that. Even if my mom did.

Since then I kind of had my guard up about letting people in. About having friends. Brooks was the only one who I felt extremely comfortable with for the first time in a long time and he's the only one on campus who knows about my parents. I guess that's why I don't get close to girls either. I don't want to give them leverage to say nasty shit because, well, I mean, I can't hit a girl. But I think it's also because of the way I've watched my mother handle situations and the way she always finds something to complain about. Yeah. No. I don't want to have to deal with that.

I shudder again as I start up my car. But when I saw Savannah it was like all of those thoughts went out of the window. I wanted to talk to her. Wanted to be around her. And the little conversations that we've had anytime I've seen her out and about with Letty and Brooks isn't enough anymore. I need her in my life. I need to be around her. So I sucked up my pride and admitted to myself that I want a girl friend. A friend, who's a girl. But I only want it if it's going to be Savvy. I need her as my friend. I need her in my life. But my God, I have no idea how to do that. How does one have a girl friend? I shake my head, laughing at myself as I pull into the parking lot of the arena. Why am I being such an idiot about this? She's a girl, yes but it can't be that much harder than having a guy as a friend.

No, but you don't want to stare at your guy friends tits now do you? I bite my lip and groan at the thought. Her tits. God, her fucking tits. They were right there. She opened up her door in a mesh, see-through white shirt and my dick instantly got a semi. Fuck, she's sexy. Her hair was up in a cute, messy bun. Her brown amber eyes sparkled behind her black rimmed glasses and her long, toned legs were exposed in her tiny, pink silk shorts. I throw my head back against the headrest. Just thinking about her now makes me feel like a teenager about to cum in his pants. Shit.

I grab my bag from the back seat, getting out of the car and making my way into the arena. The early November air nips at my ears so I pull my hoodie up to cover my head. How in the fuck do I keep my head on straight with this girl? It's not like I can fuck her. She's Letty's best friend. The girl my best friend was dared to be with. The girl he's falling for but doesn't want to admit. It's too complicated. I can't get involved with that shit. No. We'll just be friendly. Friends.

Shit, I gotta figure out how to be friends with this chick because damn, I need to be around her. I throw my stuff on the bench and ignore the sounds of my teammates around me. I pull out my phone and decide to text Savvy.

Me: Want to do something tonight? I think Brooks has plans with Letty.

It was a total lie. I had no idea what my best friend was doing but I wanted an excuse to text her.

Savvy: Who is this?

Me: Who else would text you about Brooks and Letty?

Savvy: Um. Tons of people. You never know. Now answer my question.

Me: Really? You joking?

Savvy: Nope. Answer dickwad or that's what you get listed under in my phone.

Me: Dickwad? Seriously?

Savvy: Entering it now. Putting an eggplant emoji next to it too.

I laughed. What was with this girl? She talked like I was talking to one of the guys and I was actually really enjoying it.

Me: Wtf?

Me: What did I ever do to you?

Savvy: You didn't answer my question. Duh.

I let out a huff, laughing under my breath. I shook my head and started texting.

Me: Hi Savannah, it's me....NATE... do you want to do something later?

Savvy: Call me Savvy.

Me: For Gods Sake Woman!!!!! Yes or no?

Savvy: I'll look at my calendar and get back to you.

Me: You know. You're being pretty rude to the person who brought you hangover food this morning. Next time I won't be so kind.

Savvy: Oh no. He threatened to not bring me food. I should fold and beg and apologize.

Me: Smartass.

Savvy: *smirk emoji*

I put down my phone smiling and got ready for practice. The drills were intense today and I was sweating like a pig. After a nice hot shower I got dressed, grabbed my things and checked my phone. "What the fuck are you smiling at like that?" Brooks asked me. I met his eyes and shook my head, "Nothing. Just some stupid meme someone sent me." He narrowed his eyes at me but didn't say anything. I looked back down at my phone and couldn't help but smile deeper at the real reason I was smiling like a Cheshire cat. She texted back.

Savvy: I'm free tonight. You can come over if you want, Letty won't be here or we can do whatever. Just be warned, there needs to be food involved in any scenario.

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