Chapter 25: Savvy

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"How about this one?" Letty's pointing to an ugly-ass green, silk, mermaid styled gown that's I'm pretty sure was meant to look like the little mermaid's tail but instead looks like a pile of vomit. I grimace, shaking my head vigorously, "I'm trying to figure out if you're blind or if you're just trying to make me look hideous at this thing. I know the latter shouldn't be true because you're my best friend but from the way you can't keep your eyes off of Brooks I'm also pretty positive you're not blind either, so help me out here."

She laughs before putting the disgusting looking thing back on the rack. Nate and Brooks had reminded us that their annual auction was coming up on New Years Eve and being the gentlemen that they are (can you sense the sarcasm there?) urged us to go get 'fancy ass dresses' -Brooks words, not mine. He said please once he saw Letty's feral face. Apparently he had asked her to go as his girlfriend which made me smile that he's actually stepping up his game. You'd have to be blind not to see the chemistry that radiates off of them together.

Nate, the ever best friend that he has become, has been blowing up my phone non-stop after having asked me. I try to hide the permanent grin on my face but I'm pretty sure Letty is getting suspicious. She glances over at me as I reply to one of his texts asking what color I plan on going with for the party. It's in two days so if we don't find a dress today, both Letty and I are utterly screwed. At least we'll be memorable in garbage bags, right?

"Who do you keep texting?" My eyes meet hers as I put my phone in my back pocket. I shrug nonchalantly, "Just Nate. He's asking what color dress I'm picking." Letty smirks, turning away from me and grazing her hands over some dresses. She was all set to find a dress in her closet but once Nate told me he was wearing a nice suit and Brooks made the comment about fancy dresses I decided that it was time for a mini shopping trip.

My money from my grandma doesn't kick in until my birthday in February but I've got some saved up from working at the library and the extra financial aid I get. "So, are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Nate?"

"What do you mean?" I decided to mirror her blasé image and graze my fingers over some silk gowns.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you hang out with him more than anyone else these days. Myself included. And, you guys talk like twenty-four seven. That's stuff you do with someone you're interested in Sav, don't bullshit me." I grab a red gown off the rack, skim the price tag and pull it out, showcasing it for her like it's an exhibit. "This would look phenomenal on you! You need to try it on. It's in the price range and it's your size. It's a sign!"

Her eyes pop and her mouth drops a little- I'm pretty sure I see drool- she narrows her eyes at me, giving me a look that screams I know what you're doing and you're not getting away with it.

Sure enough I'm right because her next sentence confirms it. "You're not getting out of the question that easily. Come on, tell me."

I shrug, "Nothing. We're just friends. Promise. I'd tell you if something else was happening."

Her eyes remain little slits as she eyes me up and down, waiting for me to falter, but I don't because it's mostly true. Nate and I are just friends regardless of what has happened between us. As much as maybe a part of me would like to be more than friends, I don't think that's what Nate wants.

Letty grabs the gown from my hands and walks over to the dressing room while I still hover over mounds and mounds of dresses. There's so many ridiculous styles and colors that I have no idea what to go with. I'm all for dressing up when I go out but for some reason this feels different. This feels like if I don't pick the right dress, the perfect dress, then it's not going to be memorable or something.

I'm still running my hand over the racks when Letty opens the curtain and walks out in a black, chiffon dress. Where she got the dress I haven't a clue but I try my hardest to hide my repulsion. My best friend is gorgeous with her sultry curves, big chest- well, bigger than mine- long, lean body and chocolate hair and eyes but this dress showcases none of her best features. I shake my head, laughing as she gives me an eyeroll and goes back into the room, closing the curtain behind her.

I turn around and head back to the rack with all the satin dresses. It's where I found the red one that I think would look perfect on Letty so I'm hoping I'll find something similar. When we stand together in pictures we'll complement each other.

I'm five dresses in when the curtain opens again, Letty steps out in the red, silk dress. The sweetheart neckline giving her chest that extra boost. The color bringing out her gorgeous features, making her hair look luscious and her eyes shine. It fits her perfectly. My mouth is agape, something that Letty takes as nerve wracking because she starts patting down the dress like something is wrong with it.

"Holy. Shit. You need to get that dress. That is the dress! Brooks is going to flip a shit when he sees you! In a good way."

Her browns meet mine, "You sure? You don't think it's too much?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely not! You're getting it. End of." I smile as she makes her way to the mirror to look at herself. Her expression going from shock to awe as she realizes how amazing she looks in this dress. I don't care what she says she is taking that dress home.

After a few silent moments she agrees, "have you found a dress yet?"

I let out a little sigh, "No, not yet. I haven't a clue what color I want to go with."

"Do you know what color Nate's wearing?"

"Nope." The minute she said his name my eyes drifted to a dress trapped in between a navy colored gown and a silver gown. Lost in the sea of dresses, calling to me when his name was mentioned, I fish it out and gasp.

It's soft and slinky, but it's the color that has my breath hitching and my heart trying to break free of my chest. "Oh my God. That's gorgeous!"

I nod my head, my fingers tracing over the material. I check the size and smile because sure enough it's like it was made for me. I don't even have to try it on, I know it's the one I want. The one I need. Because it's him.

Never have I seen a dress so exact to the color of Nate's blinding eyes. It's not quiet blue but not quiet gray. It's as if I'm staring directly into his pools of gray, getting lost in them and relishing in everything he wants to give me. His secrets. His truths. His soul. I can feel him just by looking at the color. This is my dress. This is the dress. And I can't wait to see his reaction! After being able to find these diamonds in the rough gowns at the last minute we leave the stores, new gowns, shoes and bags in our hands, smiling and at ease. If today is any indication of how the auction is going to go, I'm actually extremely excited about it.

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