Chapter 31: Nate

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The days blur together as the weeks pass and I try to keep my focus on practice, the upcoming semester and the games. I can't be slacking like this. I want to be in the NHL and yet I'm playing some of the worst games I have my entire life and I'm making mistakes only rookies would. I'm acting like I've never played hockey before in my life and my anger is at an all time high on the ice. I'm hitting people left and right, getting in people's faces and getting put in the penalty box more than I'd like to admit.

I know players calling each other out is part of the game. It's strategy but I'm letting it get to me more than it should. I'm on edge and I don't know how to get out of this funk.

Well that's a lie. I do know how to get out of it. I need to fix things with Savannah but it's been difficult. I'm trying to be a good friend. Trying to give her her space, let things cool down so she could listen to me. Forgive me. But it's hard when all I want to do is talk to her. Be around her. Hear her voice and see her sweet smile. The way her hair falls in her face when it's in a high bun. Or the random times I catch her with her black rimmed glasses on, looking like a sexy librarian. My dick stirs just thinking about it and I slam my locker door a little too hard.

I just want her to return my text messages. I know I fucked up by lying to her, and I know she's trying to stay on Letty's side but I don't understand why she can't just talk to me. Why she hates me so much.

Yes, I lied, but once she hears the full story I'm sure she would have done the same in my position. So why the hell won't she talk to me? Why won't she hear me out and move past this?

I finish throwing my uniform on in a huff. My teammates watching me with concern. They've never seen me like this before. I've always been able to control my emotions, always been the one to step back and cool the situation down a bit. But right now, right now they know not to fucking tempt me.

After what those douchebag football players said in the weight room I've been even more on edge. I can't even think about another guy touching Savvy. Having them run their hands all over her body and feeling what I felt. Thinking about them seeing the way she looks when she's having an orgasm or the sounds that she makes. It fucking infuriates me and I can feel the inferno setting ablaze inside of me.

"You good, man?" Brooks slaps me on the shoulder as I lace up my skates. I grunt back, not able to give him a full response. I'm still mad at him. I know I shouldn't be and to be honest I forgave him the day we were in the gym together because I could see how much he was hurting, I've seen it every day and I'm sure the look on my face reflects his, but I need someone to blame. I need someone to take it out on because the girl I want to talk to, the girl I want to vent to, isn't fucking talking to me.

Coach walks into the locker room, psyching us all up for the game we're playing tonight. We need to beat this team to make it into the finals. We've been neck and neck during the entire season with them so far and this game will either put us ahead or drag us back and I need this win. I need to have something good right now.

I'm so lost in my head that when I finally look up I realize Coach Jenkins has stopped talking and everyone is moving out of the locker room to go to the ice. I jump up and follow. Brooks, Kyle and Mason look over at me as I sit down, waiting for our line to be called up. I'm mindlessly watching the game go by, ignoring the constant glances from my teammates. They need to mind their business.

Coach calls us to switch and we jump over the wall to get on the ice. Kyle slaps my back as we skate to the line. "Nate, you good man? Get your head in the game. We got this, dude."

I look over, giving him a look that could kill. I should be lashing out at him. Should be blaming him for everything that's happened but I already know how Ky is. At one point I thought he was a decent dude. Rough on the outside but there was something hidden underneath, like the rest of us. But for some god awful reason it's like this semester he's been ten times worse. His attitude has gotten out of control and he's no longer acting like a brother to us. He's just a grade-A asshole now and looking at him right now makes me want to punch him right in the jaw.

"Fuck off. I got it." Ky recoils as if I've actually punched him. I've never spoken to my teammates like this before. Never been one to disrespect someone. Maybe because I know what's it's like when the people you thought you knew end up being shitty. Maybe because I only show them what I wanted to. I never let them in fully. But now I just don't have the strength to put on a show. I'm done. I'm hurt and I'm angry and if they plan to get in my way, they're going to get crosschecked.

We line up on the blue line, my eyes pinned to the puck, when the asshole in front of me starts spewing out shit. Nothing bothers me, I tune it out like I always do, until the moment he says something that gets my attention.

"Too bad you and that Savannah chick didn't work out, number twenty three, because her pussy is tight as hell." I glance up at him, anger boiling up to the surface and I see the smug ass smile on his face. His teammate catches my reaction and decides to add to the mix.

"We made her so wet, man. The way she screamed out, I swear the entire place could hear her. She's a little freaky. Guess she needed to get you outta her head so she let us all get a taste." Number two on the opposing team says with a smirk and I feel my eyes twitch. I let out a growl which only makes their smile grow.

They glance at each other and I try to focus back on the puck. I shake my head in an attempt to concentrate but it doesn't work. The puck drops and I fly past the line, getting into position but the two assholes follow me, taunting me while I skate.

"That tight little body. I thought I was going to break her the way I was pounding into her." My hands shake and I have to grip my stick tighter.

"She's never going to want you again after having us. She had way too much fun. We tore that pussy up." I hear them laugh and I can't take it anymore. I turn around looking for the puck, trying to focus on the game but it's too late. I've been trapped in my head, listening to the shit they've been saying about Savannah that I didn't notice how close they were to me. I get slammed into the plexi glass by number two and I let out a wail as I feel the snap in my arm. My head bounces off the glass so hard that my helmet flies off and I have to blink a few times trying to catch my bearings but then I feel another sharp hit. My body folds in on itself as I hit the glass again. So hard it knocks the wind out of me.

I can't stop myself from falling. The pain is too much. I hit the ground hard and I feel a sharp pain in my head as my head bounces off the ice. Everything blurs as I stare up at the two assholes who hit me before everything fades to black. The last thing I see before I pass out is her face.

My princess.

My Savannah.

And I pray to God it's not the last time I see that gorgeous face.

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