The Jealous Little Missy

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Hello, everyone! Sorry for the late update, I've been so busy with papers and journals for the past two weeks. Thank you for waiting patiently!

And if you enjoy this story, please do me a huge favor to vote and comments too, it encourages me to keep on writing. Love you, guys!


It was a really fine day. Her morning earl grey tea has just the right sweetness, the afternoon meeting with Mr. Park went really well, and she'll probably finish her last project earlier.

Ye Jin sings along cheerfully in the car as she drove to Bin's office that day. They supposed to meet the architect in the restaurant around Gangnam, but Bin needs to attend an urgent meeting that afternoon. So to make it more convenient, both of them decided to do the meeting in his office.

'Samonim, who is this for? Why you bought so many sandwiches and coffees?' Bin's secretary, Seo Woo Jin asked her after she arrived in the basement.

'It's my first visit here; I thought it would be good to buy some food for the employees. You too, make sure you enjoy it!' Woo Jin thanked her and helped Ye Jin to bring the food bags upstairs.

After the elevator door closed, Ye Jin asked Woo Jin some questions about Hyun Bin.

'How's Bin in the office? I mean he's somewhat carefree I think, so I'm just curious if he is the same here.'

'Aigoo, samonim. That's because you are his wife. He's pretty scary when someone makes the same mistake twice. The first mistake is okay, but the second one, a big no. But overall, I think he is a really good daepyo. He always gives me a big bonus every year.' He grinned and she chuckled after hearing what Woo Jin's thought about his boss.


'I think the final cost is considered reasonable, just make sure to send me the updates with the design, Mr. Hwang.' After the meeting has ended, Bin got up from his seat and saw his wife through the glass wall; handing out some food to his employees.

'I thought your meeting would end later, Bin.' She said to him when he stood beside her.

'It ended earlier.' Bin answered her and helped Ye Jin handing out the food.

Mr. Hwang who joined Bin in the earlier meeting thanked them for the food and said, 'You look great together daepyonim, samonim. Also, congratulations on the wedding.'

'Thank you so much, Mr. Hwang. Please take care of my husband.' Hearing the word husband from her made a tender smile broke quietly over his lips.


Secretary Seo knocked on the door of his office and Bin let him in. 'Mr. Hyun and Mrs. Hyun, Ms. Kang has arrived.'

There she was, wearing a two-set suit from Bottega Veneta with her perfectly runaway-ready hair.

'Bin oppa, it's nice to see you again. Your grandfather offered me to be the architect of your house, so I take the offer immediately.' She caressed his arm while he scrunches his nose feeling uncomfortable.

'Thank you, So Ra-ssi. And this is my wife Son Ye Jin. Her father is my grandfather's business partner, Yej. So we know each other for some time.' Bin introduced the two women who already resent each other.

'Pleasure to meet you, So Ra-ssi.' Ye Jin shakes her hand. 'Me too, Ye Jin-ssi.'

'Alright, shall we begin the discussion?'

The meeting was quite tense. So Ra kept insists on something that is the opposite of what Ye Jin wanted.

'Generally speaking, I want the house to be minimalist where the sunlight can go thru the windows. Such as a semi-open kitchen with glass roof and a pond inside the house would be good too.' Ye Jin said.

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