All i saw was the A1's and B2's, i checked for at least a 'C' but non was visible.
The fistful of excitement that came out of my mouth as a heavy scream made me pause and wonder the kind of freight i would have gave Ahmad who I haven't seen today .

Before i could arrange myself from the jumps of excitement, i heard the door burst open with force. I saw a heavy chested Ahmad rush into the room with a worry expression written all over his face.

He walked pass me without noticing my happy structure . Seeing him stand there with a confused expression, I didn't know when my happiness took control of my head and i found myself hugging him .

The awkwardness shifted for a moment, and I immediately brought out my phone screen to his seeing .
After a few seconds of staring at my phone, he started saying out the grades, A1, A1, A1, A1, A1, B2, A1, A1, B2.

I watched as the word " MASHALLAH" rolled out of his mouth together with his deep husky voice.

" I never knew scary cat was a brainiac" he said , exchanging his smile with a smirk .

It took a bit of the happiness I was still feeling , to resist myself from rolling my eyes at him . Brah this guy is too stale !.

" you know the smirk is really annoying, especially when its coming from you , so split it ." I said , moving my eyes back to my phone .

"Ouch okay" I heard him reply , my eyes fixed on ruffy's result .

I raised my eyes to the feeling of his eyes staring deeply at my face . I shifted uncomfortably, wondering why he was looking at me that intense.

" Won't you say congratulations to me ?" I asked, forcing a neutral expression on my face .

My eyes trickled as he raised his hands to my cheeks, a shiver playing my body like a string , I watched as he placed them on both the side of my Cheeks before gently dragging them.
I raised my eyes to his face before moving down to his mouth that held a cheeky smirk.

" Congratulations Scary cat! " he blurted , almost whispering out the words .

I didn't know when I bursted into laughter , trying to force my face out of his grip because it was a bit painful. After an awkward moment of stares at each other.

" your cheeky grin is so weird" I said , my mind playing back to his cheeky smirk.

He smiled without saying a word to me before turning to walk out of the room.

I knew we were both hungry and needed breakfast but I was too excited to not share that moment with my friends.
I went straight to the group with a screenshot of my results.

I received different praises of excellence and appreciation. They all presented their results too and the results were all similar to mine . No one failed any paper which made me even more excited . After a few jokes and discussions .

Ruffy suggested a girls day out as an idea to hear our opinions.

I really liked the idea but I wanted us to have something indoor , so I suggested planning a dinner at my house .

" why don't we have something indoor , dinner at my house ?" I typed fast .

" yeah exactly, sounds so much fun" zurl replied immediately.

" wlh it's so much better , what time ?" Hussy asked .

" starting from 6 in the evening, yeah?" I typed , asking for their opinion.

"Perfect ! , I really, really miss your cooking" Pelumi typed for the first time .

" ouuu ! , I'm feeling myself . Told you all you're going to miss eating my food" I proudly typed , really feeling myself.

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