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.......kutashi kutashi "

I groaned and pulled the duvet covering my whole body ,I heard foot steps walking around the room .i hate it when I'm woken up ,I prefer to wake up myself .

Nasrin ! And co ,I don't want to come inside this room again to wake you up"I heard aunty Lauri say before the door was jerked open .

Today being 3rd July was addah hamida's wedding,and I was back home since a week ago  because since Ahmad wasn't around .

Yesterday was the kamu ,we were all tired and exhausted.The work and moving about just to get things go well wasn't even enough to get us tired until we danced our legs out ,it was really fun and memorable.

Addah hamida's plan was always to have a very low key wedding ,just a wedding Fatiha but her plan failed terribly as the whole family already settled to have a blast .After much thinking and arguments ,it was concluded to have only kamu and wedding Fatiha which was yesterday and today the Daurin aure .

I finished and came out to see a room I left with only two people now occupied with almost eight people,well I didn't really count well .

Rufaida ,humaira and few of my cousins were now sitting and laying at every corner of the room.

When did you guys come in ? "I asked surprised because I only left 15 minutes ago.

Aunty Lauri came to wake us up fah ,so we all ran here thinking she spared you guys .ashea mah hardaku "iman said .

I laughed as I walked further into the room.

I don't even know what she wants us to do this early,it's just eight forgodsake "humaira sluggishly added .

Go downstairs and see how guests are already trooping in "Hauwa said .

Ahhh so Hauwa you're in this room ashea "I said surprised to see her .

Eh mana da aina Zaki Jefa ni "she replied sarcastically.

Easy mam ,you said you were going to sleep in this room yesterday,I didn't later see you neh ai "I said while moving to my Box .

Eh wlh when I left ,I was too tired to come back to your room ,so I slept together with thier iman In humaira's room .

I picked a red and golden Ankara lace ,that had a bulb hand ,I sat on the vanity table applying my cream gently on my skin .

Kai nasrin you've added weight sosai "iman shouted stopping me midway while I wore the skirt .

Look at her thighs and ass ,they are now looking like one Kim kardashian own "saadarh added .

Kutt lallai ma ,you have insulted me .so now you're trying to call me an old mama koh "I said definitely misunderstanding what she said .

Torm what do you expect when she is now a married woman ,wait till she gives birth seff before you talk "rufaida added teasing me .

Kumchi kaniyarku "I said laughing while looking for someone to zip my blouse.

I sat down on the vanity table to apply my make up while they started talking about a famous reality show .

I gave myself a nude look and tied (turakaga tsiya)with my head tie .the name was really funny to me .

When I was done with everything they were making a batter about who was going to win the show .I watched them quietly as I laughed mostly because of the way humaria was laughing at saadarh for making a mistake while she was pronouncing a name .

I looked up at the wall clock standing up in the process to go downstairs.

Nas Nas where are you going to ?"ruffy asked .

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