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Before you read ,this is a re written chapter 36,I mistakenly deleted the chapter so I had to write it again 😢.As you read you might notice some chapters mixing up due to the change .you should read it sorry for the inconvenience ❤️.


The ruffle sound of someone moving me ,woke me up from my sick sleep ,my eyes weren't even open but I could feel my head banging at every end .i opened my eyes and they cought nasrins heavy looking ones ,they looked tired .she stared at me as I yawned and stretched more on the bed  hissing one the process because of my head .

I looked around and knew it was my room but what was she doing here .she kept looking at me ,wanting me to utter a word first .i don't know why I felt disgusted by her,I didn't want her presence around me .

What are you doing here ?,I asked feeling more agitated by her .

"I don't know "

You kept shouting yesterday night ,I think you had a nightmare and you begged me to recite the holy Quran for you "she said while stressing on the begged .

Shit!,I can't believe it happened again ,the dreams were back !.

As. She spoke "I remembered the horrific dream I had yesterday,it was nothing different from the other ones ,only that this one had different faces .just thinking about it scared me the more ,as I shifted uncomfortably still looking at her with disgust .

"You should leave my room right now "you disgust me ".

I didn't even know when I blurted that but the way I felt hysterical about the dream ,I just wanted to be alone .

I watched as she looked at me without saying a word for seconds before she started blurting out word .

"You fucking don't know how miserable you were looking last night ,you were innocently begging me to read the Quran for you.i had to let go of my sleep ,even had to stay in the darkness which I really hated ,just so you could catch some sleep.i stayed for hours reciting and now ? .

All you could say is I disgust you ?

You should go and treat yourself Ahmad ,you need to learn humanity in you !.

You should learn how to say a fucking thank you next time!!.

I watched as she kept talking,wanting to say more but she restrained herself in the process .

I felt weak !

After everything she said ,I couldn't bring myself to defend myself ,I just threw my gaze at her .

I felt guilty!
I knew how it was for ummah ,how she cried herself seeing me struggle every night with nightmares that hunted me badly .

"Despite the fact that I wasn't the best son for her ,she still folded my arms on hers as she recites the Quran throughout the night,till I get over my bad dream .

Every morning as I look into her eyes,I could see the fears and tiredness just like the way I saw on nasrins eyes.

That instance I knew what she said was true .

I wasn't humane to her .

I watched as she left the room ,my ego  vanishing along with her as I rolled on the bed .My head spinning as it ached.

I stood up to the bathroom,feeling dizzy ,it always happens after every dream but this one ,the pain was more because I feel guilty .

I washed my face ,doing my morning business in the process .the dizziness subsiding a little ,I took some headache pills before going downstairs to look for something to eat .

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