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Nasrin .

I heard voices moving in my head ,I tried to open my eyes but I just couldn't,I felt to tired to move .i was having a headache and it felt like a trunk raced a couple of times on my body .

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around .everything was dark ,I couldn't see a thing .it looked like was in an old building that wasn't in use .

I tried to stand up from the chair but I realized I was tied to it , I moved my hand thinking I could save my self but it was too tight that it hurts .

I later gave up after so many atempts and seeing nobody .

I laid back on the chair resting my head a bit as my hands pained me due to the tightness .

The effect of whatever they used on me was still disturbing my head,I felt dizzy .i closed my eyes and sleep took me away .

"Are you working on the target,don't forget it's today ".

I heared a soothing female voice say ,I opened my eyes to be once again blinded with darkness .i yawned in hunger and aches .

I heared voices talking but I couldn't hear anymore,mostly the females hush voice .

After a while the voice disappeared and I started feeling movements coming towards me .

Something was placed on my laps ,I didn't know what it was because of the darkness but it smelled food.

"Oya eat am sharps ,see water for your side "a manly voice said making me to shriek in terror .he untied my hands ,leaving my legs tied .

I looked at the food really hungry .

Not  sure of what it was.i dropped the food on the floor sighing because I was really hungry .i just couldn't eat the food .

I picked the pure water leather from my side and started to gulp down the water in famishment .

I looked around and it seemed no one was around me even though it was dark .

For a moment I started thinking of escaping,my hands wasn't tied but my legs were .i started getting the courage and immediately placed my hands on the rope they tied my legs too .

I hastily loosed the rope and stood up ,my body really weak from sitting.

I tip toed gently ,minding were I was matching as I couldn't see ,as i walked further.i started noticing sun light coming out of a window .

Noo one seem to be around me so I easily located the door with the help of the little light .

I opened the door gently and stepped out ,the rays of the sun almost blinding my eyes .

Once outside,I didn't know where I was heading to so I started to walk hastily,my hair was opened and it dangled as I ran .

As I got further and my pace faster ,I felt someone drag me from behind making me to stumble on my head hit the ground and I felt a sting on my left cheek .

Tears started to pile my eyes as the person picked me up dragging me along with him .

You think say you smart "the man said .

Dragging me faster .

As we walked to the door ,I felt two more presence,I looked up to see them ,my driver among .

Omoo the girl no ,know say no be everything then dey Japa for "the one holding me said as we entered the building.

The other two laughed as they trailed behind us.

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