Chapter 23

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Today was the day we were returning back to Nigeria, I was totally blank ,my mind was in another dimension,my feelings blocked away caged somewhere I don't know,nothing existed except my thoughts and I .

My tears has stopped coming because there was nothing left ,my heart left with nothing but an excruciating pain,anger,hate,despair .

Never have I thought that this would happen to me and that so by my so called husband,I thought I would be happily in love with my husband,but here was reality sitting in front of me starring at me,laughing at my ignorance when he had been there,but it was to late .i feel broken

We arrived at the airport,when I say we Ahmed and I ,Yes you might be wondering how but when he left ,he didn't actually leave

"Would you like some water"I heard his voice


"Erm should I help with anything"


"Okay then I'll just do something"he was finding it awkward,I was still on the floor ,tears still rolling down my cheeks,I felt numb ,I couldn't even fantom the situation .

I suddenly felt strong arms around me ,I flinched a little "sorry"

I was walking towards the bathroom with the strong hands still around me ,holding me so I don't fall cause my legs were wobbly.

I saw the bathtub filled with water and a bath bomb in it ,suddenly a voice spoke

"I prepared a bath for you"was all he said before leaving,if only this was real ,it feels like a dream
I stepped into the warm water ,it was soothing to my aching muscles

30 minutes passed I was still in the tub ,my mind was blank ,the water had turned cold ,my fingers already wrinkled ,my head was lowering into the water until my hair was the only thing floating at the surface,i couldn't breath,i felt pain in my chest but this pain was better than the one in my heart




Whoever is trying to wake me up should give me five more minutes this bed is very soft . The lower I got the more I get sleepy and the bed becomes more soft, this bed was peaceful and filled with serenity,nothing else mattered and I loved it ,

I felt myself being pulled out of my sleep and I was suddenly gasping for oxygen,I started coughing hard ,soapy water coming out of my mouth,my eyes was stinging with pain ,my chest aches .wtf is going on

"Are you okay?hey look at me"my eyes started closing on its own accord

"Hey hey stay with me ,look at me ,look at me"the constant tapping on my cheeks continued but I was already at the gates of la la land.

Then everything went dark.



I couldn't leave ,my consciousness won't let me ,guilt was what I felt, I felt bad and for the first I'm going to be a responsible husband even if my ego is telling not too,

I walked back into the room, she was still on the floor but she made no sound her eyes wide open starring at the wall close the window,tears kept rolling down her cheeks which only made my heart swirl with guilt cause I did this to her .

I decided to do the first thing that came to my mind.water

But she was silent,okay this is really awkward,maybe I should prepare a bath for her like I do for tanisher sometimes,which reminds me I haven't spoken to her and I basically just cheated on her with my wife

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