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There were people standing on the side line of the red carpet ,I saw cameras on tripod stands spot lights on the a golden shimmery fringes we made  our way to the red carpet , due to the bright hues of my outfit it easily caught people's attention, camera started clicking, a lady I didn't recognized came with a microphone in her hand and asked us to pose for the camera and made me answer some questions .

What's your name beautiful?


Oh nasrin I love your dress, what inspired your style.

I laughed a little,thanking her

"Uhmm I wanted to feel like the queen I am so don't blame your girl yo! "I said indicating the yo sign while smiling which made her smile.

" that's the energy we want , you go girl! Mehn you really want it all , gorgeous dress + gorgeous date ah pepper us ooo"both started laughing

"Ahh! I will pepper dem "we high fived like friends .

" stay beautiful have a great night" i thanked her while Ahmad just nooded.
All this while his arm was still around me , the butterflies in my stomach were still tingling as we moved to the hall,I noticed how only few people were seen outside because the time for the red carpet was already exhausted and their eyes were all on us as we walked ,few were leaning in to talk to each other making it obvious that they were talking about me and Ahmad ,some I knew kept smiling and winking at me as we entered the hall.

The hall was decorated in a pastel blue and a salmon grey color,a drapped fabric mirrored disco ball with a unique lightning was hunged at the center of the hall ,with small white string lights strung in random zigzag were diffused behind drapped panels of of navy blue gossamer .LED spotlights in golden were highlighted with shimmering curtains made from shiny strips of gold metallic foil created a glitzy backdrop behind a marquee-inspired photo arch,a tule was served as a backdrop as strings of light from the ceiling to the floor which gave a very good romantic look .and lights were seen under the table cloths which gave a gorgeous flair .I didn't know for how long I made us stand at the entrance while looking at the well appointed hall.I noticed how Ahmad turned to look at me as he started to walk along the walkway created with flame less tea lights dragging me along with him .

As we paved our way , I suddenly started feeling eyes on us ,I felt Ahmad loose his grip on my waist and he immediately placed it around my arms .As we got deeper into the hall, more faces turned to look at us with awwn'd faces . I stiffened a little making me walk slower .

We stealing the spotlight huh"Ahmad whispered in my ears ,making my body jiggle in fear as his warm minty breath Bridge my skin . He held my hand tighter as I pretended like I didn't here what he said .

I managed to look up once more and it was like a dream as all eyes were on us ,I felt really shy as I looked around , I saw my friend's squealing at a spot near the the stage .we walked to them still holding hands making it look like we were the cutest couples In the world .my eyes found its way to arifah with a guy I didn't really know sitting on a table opposite an empty table for two near were my friends stood .

They all looked beautifulon their dresses , they looked like princesses ready to be matchmaked .i didn't know when I released my arm from Ahmad to hug rufaida , she swirled and hugged me back tightly,we broke the hug and I started hugging the rest of them ,all this while I noticed how their eyes were focused on Ahmad ,I turned to look at him still standing beside me ,he held a smile on his face returning their gestures.

I started wondering if he was really the Ahmad I knew .this was the first time I saw him smile and Wlh don't get me wrong he had a beautiful smile .

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