43: Dreaming Of Mum

Start from the beginning

"And what if I don't want your help?" I grumbled stubbornly, just wanting out of this conversation.

"Well rest assured that we will find out what happened, we just wanted to give you a chance to tell us first, which clearly you don't seem to want." Liam's words cause panic and worry to bubble inside me.

"Can't I just not want to tell all of you everything about my life, I need some privacy too!" I exclaim trying to get them to back off at all cost.

"Not when it results in you hurting yourself!" Liam counters, his voice rising a few octaves which takes me by surprise.

"Enough!" Jason's voice interrupts before I can even formulate my next question.

"We will discuss this once we get back, got it?" He directs his question to Liam more than me, which shuts both of us up.

The rest of the ride goes by in pin-drop silence, enough to drive me crazy and comfort me at the same time. I utilize this time to think of a way to get rid of Parker. And the only restore I can come up with is finding something against Parker and trading.

But the hard part is where am I going to find that? That's when the exchange between him and Lindsey comes to my mind. 'Maybe she can help me!' And yet again I face another question, how am I going to get the information out of her without telling her everything?

The car coming to a halt is what pulls me out of my thoughts, momentarily my door is opened and Jason offers me his hand to get out. Heading towards the door, I take notice of the other parked cars indicating that the rest have already made it home.

I'm led to my room and then to my bathroom by Liam, where he motions for me to sit down on the shut toilet while he fetched the first aid kit. He wordlessly gets to work on my hand, while I just sit there while my mind tries to formulate a plan to get the information out of Lindsey.

"You won't be needing stitches. But I do believe your platelet count is low, that's should explain the excessive bleeding for such a shallow wound," he mumbles to himself as he dresses the wound.

"We will have to get that tested," I freeze at this, "but that can wait, don't worry," he reassures which does little to comfort me.

"Here, all done," he announces getting up from his kneeling position, putting the kit back into its place he left without another word.

After Liam left the room I quickly get changed, shower, and jump in bed. My eyes land on my sketchbook lying next to my head, picking it up gently I just run my eyes over it. Sighing I put the book away unhappy that I had to leave it unfinished, collecting the rest of my supplies I place them back in their respective place and get comfortable in bed.

Unlike I expected no one else came in to either check up on me or to ask me about earlier. This for some reason doesn't sit right with me, the urge to blurt out the truth to them starts to dominate my mind.

Before I let this urge get to me, I switch off the lights and wait for sleep to come. Keeping my thoughts at bay is not an easy job, especially when I have so much on my mind. This made falling asleep a serious task, the more I tried not to think about it, the more my mind focused on it.


"Can't you see little girl nobody wants you, if they did you wouldn't be here." The owner of the voice laughed maniacally as shivers of fear run down my spine.

My hands refused to move just like the rest of my body, I can't even open my eyes yet it feels like I know this place. 'Where am I?' 'How did I get here?' The sound of the laughter doubled and I can feel the presence of another.

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