Fezco keeps me supplied and will sometimes let it slide if i didn't have the money on me. Which he never did for anybody. But thats not the point.

The point is i love drugs. Not as much as i used to because i decided to cut back because of what happened with Rue. That really fucked with me the entire summer. So for a while i only smoked weed. But that was something we had in common. Drugs and Rue. I wanted something and he had it. Plus he was very close with Rue like i was. That's how i knew of Fez, she introduced me to him. I've always found him attractive and i liked his vibe, but i never thought of being more with him.

It was only a month ago when we started talking again after the whole Rue situation.

I remember it was a party at my house for my 18th birthday. I saw Fez there and he was standing by the staircase and he would interact with the teenagers for a few seconds before they walk away from a quick exchange.

I remember what i told him because I wasn't drunk yet. I said word for word, "I swear every time i see you, you're just selling. Do you ever do anything in your free time?"

And in response he had told me, "This is my free time."

And i guess thats when the drinks and weed started colliding because i didn't even know we were making out until i woke up to Maddy showing me videos she took. Its not like he was the only guy I kissed that night. I don't remember who else i kissed but Fez is the only one i remember. By no means was it a monumental moment.

But now everyone keeps thinking i fuck the drug dealer for free stuff. When in reality, i got the free stuff without even having to fuck him. Which that is actually a flex.

I never brought that night up to Fez since it happened just because I dont want it to be awkward.

Awkward as it is right now.

"So I heard that Jacobs kid messed your car up pretty bad." His chill toned voice questioned the other night as i nodded my head.

"He sure did." I let out a small laugh. "But he's paying for the damages so i'm not that upset about it."

"Why'd he do it anyways?" he raised a brow. I let out a small laugh. It's not funny that he fucked up my car, i'm laughing because of Maddy's petty ways. I twisted the green cap off of the bottle and took a few sips. "Maddy was making out with another guy."


"So you were at the party?" i questioned Fez. Mckay threw a party a few nights ago and we were all there. That was when i first saw Rue since rehab.

"Yeah for a little while." he responded. "I was gonna say hi but i didn't wanna bother you."

"You wouldn't be a bother." i shook my head. "We're cool aren't we?"

"Well i mean... after we made out at your party you stopped coming to me for weed. So i just assumed you were avoiding me." Oh so he still remembers.

That is true. After my birthday party i stopped coming around the quick mart to see Fez. But that wasn't me avoiding him, i was just trying to cut back on my weed intake.

"No it's just been a hectic time in my life." i reassured him. "But hey i'm back now." I playfully nudge his arm.

I watched as he took a seat in a chair by the register and lit up a joint. A few exhales later he offered me a hit. Was i going to deny a hit from Fezco? Fuck no. Anybody who does is a fucking moron.

I was about to head off so i had my hands full with my drink in one and phone in the other. So i walked closer to him and stood right in front, between his legs. The words personal space didn't exist to me. I was close enough where I could smell his cologne through the stench of weed circulating around us. I watched him watch me, just observing my next move.

His eyes locked on my plump pinkish nude lips. It was like he could read my mind because after he took another hit he took the joint and placed it in my mouth for me. Which is good for me because i would hate for there to be a unfortunate misunderstanding by saying it verbally. The command, "Put it in my mouth" can have a wide variety of meanings.

I inhaled all i could then he took the joint back. Then I released all the smoke and playfully blew it into his face. He had no reaction at first, then he shook his head and let out a laugh.

He didn't seem annoyed. Or mad. I doubt he even gets mad at anything. He just took another hit before saying, "You're lucky I like you."

Which left me dumbfounded.

He likes me? Well let's be real, Fez likes everybody. He's the nicest person. And he remembers the kiss? I never wanted to bring it up to him because so wasn't sure how he felt.

I'll be a lying bitch if i told you i wasn't thinking about what he said to me the entire day.

You're lucky I like you.


my fyp is flooded with euphoria related videos 😭😭 and they're literally the funniest

if y'all didn't know, every book i write i always put a meme at the end of the chapters just for shits and giggles.

if y'all didn't know, every book i write i always put a meme at the end of the chapters just for shits and giggles

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this had me rollinnnnnngggg

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