2 | Internet Friends | 2

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Sapnap POV

I made my way home a few hours after the party began. I wasn't drunk, drunk was not even remotely close to my state of mind. I was just confused, and quite frankly, extremely tired.

I opened the front door, stepping inside and locking it behind me. I only stepped a few inches off of the welcoming mat before I fell onto my couch, arms hitting the floor. I almost fell asleep in such a tragic position.

I summoned at least an ounce of self-control within myself, pushing my exhaustion filled body back up and walking into my room. I shut the door behind me, falling onto my bed and opening Instagram on my phone.

I tapped on Clay's profile, searching through his followers to find a familiar name. I couldn't seem to lay eyes on my target through Clay's account, so I opened George's account, scrolling throw his followers.

In his account, I found exactly what I was searching for. The name; karljacobs_.

I tapped the follow button as quickly as possible, swiftly liking almost every one of his posts.

I felt like some sort of stalker, but I couldn't stop scrolling through his page. I thought to myself for a moment; 'At least he won't know who I am.'

I tapped on his story, opening it and connecting eyes with the text placed over the selfie he must've taken at the party. I read the text, my eyes widening at each letter.

shoutout to @Sapnap! you're a really funny guy 🤟🏼

Holy shit, he knows who I am. Who told him my Instagram? Clay?!

I was suddenly more awake than ever before, my heart pounding like a bomb. My head was sort of aching but I ignored the constant pain. The only thoughts that ran through my mind were: "He knows who I am" "I liked all his posts" "He'll think I'm a stalker"

After a bit of pacing back and forth, I received a notification. Opening it, increasing my complete tension, it was Karl who'd sent me the message.

hi :]

I stared at the message for a few minutes, emotions ran over my body so quickly I couldn't make I which ones I were feeling at the moment.

After making up a bit of confidence, I tapped on the 'Send Message' icon, typing a few words and hesitating before sending what I'd thought of.

hello 😅

you liked all of my posts? lol.

I broke a sweat at those words. I was always extremely awkward but I didn't hesitate to type back.

yeah lmao. sorry if I'm being like stalker-ish

I nodded my head to myself, trying to sound as calm and collected as one possibly could. I bit my tongue, waiting for a response.

nope :) I'll do the same for you!

The words I read coming from him raised questions in my head. What did he mean by that?

Suddenly, my phone overfilled with notifications from him. I immediately understood what he meant. He was liking all of my posts as well.

you like minecraft too?? :O

oh Uh yeas ywah unless it's no t all that cool idk I just sometimes I post it you know lol ??

I wanted to punch myself in the gut after rereading what I swiftly typed. Half of the words were spelled wrong and I felt so awkward waiting for a response. My text message didn't even remotely make any sort of sense.

no it's fine to like minecraft I love it :D do you wanna play sometime?

oh- yeah! sure

Add me on discord :]

okay.. I'm sapdaddy#xxxx

I felt like a complete idiot reanalyzing what I sent to him. Sapdaddy?! Really, Nick?!

LMAO sapdaddy??

on jah

you're BRAZY bro lmaoo

I thought to myself for a second with the turn of my head. What does 'BRAZY' mean? I shook it off, pretending like I knew what it meant and playing along.

lmao yeah

do you wanna be friends? by chance?

I smiled to myself in relief he didn't think I was weird or awkward. I felt my pounding heart and it slowly began to lose a quick beating. Falling onto the bed placed before me and returning to the same position I had earlier, I reread the letters on my phone screen and slowly typed.

yeah. of course :)

that's awesome! come hang out with me and my friends during lunch tomorrow.

oh Um could I bring some of my own friends?

yeah man ofc.

I'm gonna have to go as of right now. my friend, Alex. He's drunk.

oh! ok. I'll talk to you later Karl!

cya tmr sapnap :]

karljacobs_ is offline.

I felt my face go red, and it wasn't because of embarrassment or because the room was heated. I don't know why I was blushing at all.

I shut my phone off, setting it on the table I had next to my bed. I quickly turned my head to the side, turning off my light and sitting in a dark room. My eyes were wide open but my body was tired.

All I could think about was him. It hurt me. I wanted to know what he was doing at this very moment. I wanted to know what his favorite color is. I wanted to know if he played sports.

I saw his face in my mind and I smiled. He was so nice, unlike the other popular kids I knew at this school.

I finally allowed my eyes to shut. Smiling to myself and slowly drifting into sleep.

Little did I know..

The long criminal record that awaited me..

Being friends with that charming, brown-haired boy.

•+ Song For This Chapter +•
~ capsize ~ frenship & emily warren ~

Safe and Sound [] sapkarl / karlnap [] Criminal AU [] Where stories live. Discover now