14 | Rest In Peace? | 14

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Sapnap POV

At Nick's Home

I invited Karl inside, locking the door behind us both. Karl carried Tommy on his back whilst I carried Toby. Dry blood stained our clothes but that was the least of our worries at the moment.

"What do we do now? Should we plan a funeral-" I distastefully began plotting ideas, but was shortly cut off by Karl's abrupt response.

"We burn the bodies. We're doing it tomorrow and releasing their ashes into the ocean." Karl stated firmly, sitting Tommy on my couch and walking into my room without permission. I sighed, sitting Toby down next to Tommy and following Karl silently.

"Karl..." I started. He quite obviously didn't want to respond or even talk to me at that moment. "Karl, it's going to be okay."

"No, it's not. I let them die. I swore to protect them. This is my fault." He dryly stated, staring at my wall. I sighed, staring at him silently.

"It's not your fault, Karl. You know it's not your fault." I stated, inching closer to him every few seconds. He shook his head slowly.

"Why didn't you run?" He mumbled, turning his head slightly. I raised an eyebrow to his brief words.

"Why didn't you run away when I killed those people? Why didn't you run away when Tommy and Tubbo were shot? Why are you still letting me into your house? Why.." He continued to speak without allowing me a word. I could barely process what he was saying.

"Why aren't you scared of me? After all I've put you through?" Karl finally turned around, looking me in the eyes. His eyes were bare red and wet from tears.

"You are scared of me! I know you are." He continued on with his rant. I felt my body shaking at his sudden bloodlust.

"You're with me right now out of pity, aren't you?" He lowered his voice, standing still and even lowering his head to face the ground.

"I knew it." His voice broke and he immediately dropped to his knees. "I'm a monster."

"You're wrong. You idiot!" I couldn't take him in this stated until I eventually shouted. He snapped his vision towards me immediately.

"I'm with you because I trust you! I know you wouldn't hurt me, and even if you do I won't care. We've come this far together, I'm not losing you!" I yelled with extreme determination, walking over to him and grabbing the front of the hoodie he wore. I looked him in the eyes.

"Now we're gonna go to the shack and bury Tommy and Tubbo TOGETHER!" I instructed, letting him free and walking out the front door of my room. I shut the door right behind me and walked outside. Tears covered my cheeks.

Tommy POV

I felt a sudden rush of warm air. It felt nice and  oddly comforting as I searched my surroundings silently. It was a baby blue ominous air with white smoke running through the warm space. I hadn't the slightest idea where I was at the moment but it didn't really phase me. It felt safe.

"Tommy?" A sudden, yet familiar, voice greeted me from behind. I turned my head to meet eyes with Toby. I inhaled slowly, taking in the sight of him. It felt as if I hadn't seen him in years. He had small wings, oversized for his body but a floating halo above his head.

"Tubbo?" I spoke, holding my arms open and preparing for a hug. Toby quickly ran over to me, hugging me with an impact. I felt myself fall almost too far to recover but I didn't care. I felt Toby's embrace once again. My best friend.

"You're so fucking clingy."

•+ Song For This Chapter +•
~ talk to me ~ cavetown ~

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